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Messages - Ewell

Pages: [1]
Woman with man in AChat / Re: Pampered man
« on: January 27, 2012, 10:12:50 AM »
I have bought it and like it. But it also works well as a final pose ... or would if the man could cum. In my experience some women quite enjoy finishing a man off by hand. Those who don't want to cum simply have to restrain themselves ;)

Everything about sex and love / Re: Meeting in a real life
« on: October 10, 2011, 09:10:35 AM »
No offence intended. I'm not remotely suggesting that sex is only for the under 50s, but you might be dissapointed meeting a fifty-something (little blue pills or not) if you were expecting someone in their twenties. And I'm sure Achat appeals to some precisely because it allows them to fantasize about what they might have done when younger. Even at 38 there's an element of that I can assure you  ;)

Everything about sex and love / Re: Meeting in a real life
« on: October 09, 2011, 01:54:30 AM »
As I said in the other post on the same topic:

It might be alright if you'd established a genuine friendship; but I suspect that otherwise it might be quite disappointing. Some of the things that are possible in Achat seem to me to fall quite clearly into the "don't try this at home" category. Not to mention the risk of finding out the bisexual female object of your desires is a gay male; or that the virile twenty-something man you've been getting it off with is actually a sad 50+ bloke who can't get it up without the aid of pills!

I'm here for the fantasy, and would be very worried if I felt someone I was meeting here saw it as anything else.

Everything about sex and love / Re: A real life Meeting?
« on: October 09, 2011, 01:46:58 AM »
It might be alright if you'd established a genuine friendship; but I suspect that otherwise it might be quite disappointing. Some of the things that are possible in Achat seem to me to fall quite clearly into the "don't try this at home" category. Not to mention the risk of finding out the bisexual female object of your desires is a gay male; or that the virile twenty-something man you've been getting it off with is actually a sad 50+ bloke who can't get it up without the aid of pills!

Share your creative ideas / FFM pose suggestion
« on: October 05, 2011, 12:09:49 AM »
Any possibility of a pose for FFM where the women make out with a strapon while the man watches? Just a thought.

FAQ / Re: FAQ - the most common questions and answers
« on: October 04, 2011, 10:49:24 AM »
Another newbie (and possibly naive) question: What does 'WF-TT' mean in a profile? I can't find a definition anywhere but quite a few of the women use it. Thanks.

Share your creative ideas / Cold invites and conversation
« on: September 21, 2011, 12:06:57 AM »
Hi all. I'm new here so forgive me for starting a topic that's probably been done to death; but I was interested in people's opinions.

OK, on my profile I've said basically that I'm open to cold invites (no guarantee I'll accept them) but would much rather chat first. I have to say I have more cold invites than women trying to start a chat with me, which is interesting.

Some have been very satisfactory: the inviter has clearly read my profile, introduces herself, and we keep some sort of conversation going in the room. Some have been the opposite: into room, clothes off and at it without so much as a 'Hi', and not a word during ... not even any sort of indication of how it is for them using the 'orgasm meter'. Very difficult to know when the job is done, so to speak.

I'm guessing these are mainly women who speak neither English nor French (the two languages I say I speak ... though I could probably get the gist of things in Italian as well). But it is a bit weird. And they are not necessarily free users either.

Just wondering your experiences were.

FAQ / Re: FAQ - the most common questions and answers
« on: September 10, 2011, 06:03:42 AM »
A newbie (premium) question - can't find the answer but sorry if it's been asked before:

Could someone give a simple explanation of how to use the group invite button to arrange a threesome? And how does someone arrange a threesome with me?


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