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Messages - LilFox

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / Re: Vote for pose idea to be developed
« on: October 07, 2011, 04:55:53 AM »
I would like to see many of the Male/female poses or Shemale/female poses used for the Shelame where the shemale is anally penetrated by either Male, Female with dildo or another Shemale. I would also like to see a pose where the Shemale is standing, bent at the waisted with hands on ankles (if possible cuffed ankle to wrist) and penetrated from the rear or a few other poses where the Shemale is in some type of bondage and ubmissive. ;D

Shemales and their lovers in AChat / Re: Poses
« on: October 06, 2011, 12:21:13 AM »
Welcome LilFox, I'm glad your speaking up and also think we're lacking in poses where we can get anally penetrated. :)

Hi Adera and thanks for the welcome. Hopefully the aChat makers actually read the forums and intend on satisfyingthe customers that pay for subscribtions. Yeah I noticed that for Male Shemale poses there are more poses for the MAN to get fucked by the shemale but not the other way round what gives with that? :-\ well anyway thanks again for the welcome and maybe I'll see you in chat sometime  ;)

Shemales and their lovers in AChat / Re: Poses
« on: October 05, 2011, 05:48:45 AM »
I would like to say first Hello to All, I have very recently started an Achat Shemale account (about a Month ago) and have gotten many poses and have had oppertunities to use with both males and females. I have read a little of this thread and agree they should give a switch partner option. They need to add more poses where Shemales get anally penatrated (by both males and females). But what I haven't read (so far) is about the interrogation room and more BDSM poses. Such poses might be with Shemale (or male again a switch partner option comes in handy here) on their stomache with hands tied behind their backs maybe even hogtied giving oral sex. A pose with 1 partner bent over with hands tied to feet getting penatrated by the other parther. Perhaps even a whole BDSM themed room with cages a stock and other fun things.

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