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Messages - killerkitten

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / Re: Paypal policy and AChat
« on: November 05, 2011, 04:31:53 AM »
ive heard of people doing it, but its something where you send the money to toms or whoevers account with a note and they come in an manually give you the subscription

So is this a realistic and safe option? do you know of such a person that can be approached?

I think the ball gag would have to take into account poses that normally require something entering the mouth. SO that may be tricky

But i would love to see piercings, nipples chains etc. And bring on the bondage equipment!

Share your creative ideas / Paypal policy and AChat
« on: November 04, 2011, 02:50:12 AM »
I would love to be able to use PayPal. However i have noted that this site does not use it because of the Paypal use policy.

I found this a bit strange as there are some UK based websites that sell sex toys and videos etc that use Paypal. They are not small sites either.

So i had a quick look at the Paypal usage policy and noted that it states under prohibited activities:

(h) certain sexually oriented materials or services

So does does this mean AChat could use Paypal or not? Worth aslking Paypal i would have thought

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