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Messages - kimmart

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / When logged on last
« on: January 19, 2013, 08:22:43 AM »
One thing that would be useful is if there was someway to tell when a person logged on last. If I have someone on my friends list that has not been on in six month I would most likely want to remove him but at present i know of no way to tell if someone has logged in today, two week ago or six months ago. It wouldn't even have to be on AChat but could be on the website where you gift your friends, lovers and spouses.

I would like to see something with a double headed dildo being used for vaginal and anal penetration at the same time. Either one like the one already use bent around and/or a double headed strap-on dildo. I've had both used in real life and think it would work for AChat. Also one where one woman has it in her, either vaginal or anal and the other one is sucking it.

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