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Messages - gingerly
Pages: [1]
« on: April 22, 2012, 09:08:19 AM »
I will be happy as a Pig in Poopy to vote in whatever way is available...
I have voted once already about the wall pose,, very cool,,, and thank you all for being involved in making this such a Cool place to be........
« on: April 11, 2012, 03:52:13 PM »
Hi AZ you are sooo creative and we are better off for it, you're a Star...
I love the pose and hope it cums,, ooops, comes along soon...
Thank you
Omg,,, after reading all the Actions I must go to the game NOW..............................
« on: March 31, 2012, 11:40:41 AM »
Hi It is too bad that you must go Ramrod...
I have a favorite lover that is a Free user because He cannot use any of the Payment methods available because he lives in a country that is banned by all the payments methods on AChat... Of course I have sugg'd that he try this or try that to make a payment but nothing ever worked...
He did leave AChat once never to return but he stays on as free user now only because of me and the couple of poses i bought for us to use,, he was after all, my very first on my very first day...
Sooo, I wish to shout high and loud to Dev Team or maybe just the Bookkeeping Team,, perhaps if you find more payment methods for people to use,,, Money Order,, Personal Check,, heck even Cash,,, especially for those that live in Finacially "troubled" countries perhaps there would Not be good Members like Ramrod and good lovers like my Kukucs,, leaving us...
Well, just something for the Bookkeepers to consider
« on: March 30, 2012, 09:44:51 AM »
First---- I am very sorry if at Any time my words were Misinterpreted as being Intolerant of others Opinions... I personally do not see any words or phrases that I used that could have been interpreted as doing that but some of you did... To you all,,,, I sincerely apologize,, it was Not meant to be or sound that way...
For those of you that do understand my point, please do not be offended that I do Not name you personally because you see,,, I am just toooo immature to go back through all the posts and write down each of your names..
To Ruyka,,, silly is Not an insult in my culture of Freedom,, it is more playful than that.. But I apologize with sincerity...
Yes, the whole point of this thread is to take the option away,,, heck, the title of the thread is (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users".. About being friends with or not friends with any of you... Boy,,, that was silly of me to say huh... The point is simple,,, if a person or group wishes to restrict and limit my Options,, they are simply not my kind of friend and that will be that.. No Insult or Offense meant... They conduct Life in their way,, I'll conduct my Life My way,,, just toooo simple...
My Whole and Entire point is this--------- if a person does Not want to use this Button please feel free to "ignore the button".. If a person wishes to use the button, they should feel free and easy to do so.. BUT------- Please do Not force your opinion that the button is an Evil thing and it's use should be yanked away from All of us.. Again,,,, just sooo simple...
« on: March 28, 2012, 12:33:52 PM »
Hi I would very much like to see the ability to kiss in more positions and poses,,, Kisses feel like Love...
« on: March 28, 2012, 12:31:32 PM »
Hi Gosh, it's only been 4 days since this thread started and look how big it has gotten... I mean NO insults,, I do not ever wish to appear as Mean to any "class" of member and Absolutely Never wish to take any other Free or Premiums Members rights or Options away... But,,, I do think this tiny Mole-hill of a Ignore Button has been made into a giant Mountain...
Some of you actually want to take that option and button away,, to you all I say I can never trust or be friends with you ever.. It is you people that wish to force what YOU think is best,, upon me,, shame on you...
Some of you want to see even More options,, That I applaud,, more Options to use if we, the individual chooses to use or NOT to use...
I will never understand why some people want to force upon others what they think is right...
Bottom line-------------- use it When and If you choose and/or Don't use it if you choose,,, YOUR decision... Do Not make my decisions for me...
TO the Dev team------ Thank you for giving me the Option and Please Never take that Option away..
« on: March 25, 2012, 09:01:35 AM »
Golly, it appears that a Problem is being made out of Nothing...
The beauty of living in America is that Most of the time we have Freedom of Choice to use or Not to use an available product or service or what have you,,,, therefore why this option is being discussed is silly...
Every member should be able to Choose to Use or Not to Use the option to ignore anyone they wish... We pay to be Premium members and the option to use or Not to use should remain a Right of Membership...
Nother words---------- Simply Do Not use it if you do not wish to BUT,, do Not try to force, coax, coerce, embarrass or push others into behaving how You < (all those against the option) think is correct...
Ruyka,,,, gosh,, do you not see how silly your most recent post is.?
« on: February 24, 2012, 03:03:31 PM »
I agree with All these suggestions,, thank you thank you......!
« on: February 24, 2012, 02:58:53 PM »
Hi everyone I certainly agree about more bondage poses for us girls... And also about a sweet girl computer voice vocalizing just what I type along with a masculine mans voice for my lover... Omg yes, I would pay A$ for that, and if I'm sweet enough maybe I wouldn't have to pa,, oooh,, never mind...
Also love to see diff size men, taller for instance,, big strong heavy (my fav) even with slight gut,, more like real men... Please forgive me all you young handsome guys but I am waaay attracted to older men,, I am 18 Btw.. Older being even up to 50ish +...
Um,,, I guess I would like to see my lovers cum stay for a much longer period of time too,,,, if it really dis-appeared that fast, I wouldn't have been caught by the Girls Dean one particular afternoon,,, Oooops,,, did I say that out loud.?
Thank you
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