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Messages - Satoire

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Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... / Re: Covems in GaGaland
« on: September 06, 2014, 06:55:48 AM »

We love you Covems
Do all the steps, not just the first 3.


I met Leroy Neiman back in the 80's when I was working at the Tropicana.  A gentle man with a terrific sense of humor.  Most of his art deals with sports, but there are a few times when other things inspired him.  An original of this hangs in my dance room.

I'm in the middle.
:) :) :)

Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... / Re: What does it tell you?
« on: November 16, 2013, 06:48:01 AM »

what a coincidence!!   I just finished my morning dance workout.. and I always end with Footloose!!


Thanks Tango!!

Introduce yourself / Re: Current Birthdays
« on: November 14, 2013, 08:01:32 AM »
Oh yeah!!  A naked hug from Covems.  That makes me feel like it's my birthday.

Happy Birthday

You sweet, sweet man.

Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... / Re: Covems in GaGaland
« on: October 31, 2013, 06:04:18 AM »
lol Denise... he is easily distracted

I am the one.  It's me.  This topic arose because of issues I've dealt with in my life.  Pafie was only looking out for me.
this issue is now resolved.  let the forum go on as it has.  it's not broken so don't try to fix it.  I know which topics I feel safe reading, and which ones I don't.  ... besides... Pafie runs interference for me.  :D

Introduce yourself / Re: Current Birthdays
« on: October 31, 2013, 05:58:03 AM »
Everybody!  Let's sing!
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday xShezawolfx
Happy Birthday to you.

Now make a wish and blow out the candles and lets all have cake!

Sincerely, I want to echo Pafe's words.  I hope you have a great day!

Erotic Stories / Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
« on: October 24, 2013, 07:05:25 AM »

  Pafe shouts.

"Hold still, will you?"  I say to her.

"But it tickles when you do that."  She answers.

"Pafe," I say, "you're making it impossible to get this on right.  There's only a few hours before the Halloween Party at the AB&G, and there is still a lot to do with your costume."

"Well," Pafe says, "your's is just about finished.  Maybe we should work on that until your costume is done."

"No Pafe."  I say.  "We need to get the base of yours on, and I still need to add the sparkles to it."

We continue to make adjustments to our outfits all the while Pafe keeps squirming and wiggling, making it a challenge to get everything just right on her.  "I've never done a Jessica Rabbit costume this way before."  I say to Pafe.  "You're going to look fabulous Pafie."

"Well," she replies, "you're looking pretty hot too, in your little warrior costume."

"I wore something similar to this for a show I worked in back in the late 80's."  I say.

"I remember that."  Pafe says.  "Only it covered a lot more than this one does."

"Yeah."  I answer, "good idea you had about covering my nipples."

"Who do you think is going to be there?"  Pafe asks me.  "At the party."

"Probably all the regulars."  I reply.  "It should be a lot of fun, even though the eligible men number is dwindling.  I'm going to miss our frolics with Covems."

"I already am."  She says wistfully.  "And don't forget those times with Lover, though we never double-teamed him... we did double-teamed Tango and Mercer... and that time with Tight.... oooooo."

"If there's one constant in the universe, Pafie..."  I say, "... it's change."

Finally finished with our costumes, Pafe and I put on our faux fur coats and tie a kerchief on our heads, covering our hair.  Of course she insists on wearing boudoir shoes, but picks out a pair that goes very well with a Jessica Rabbit look.

We get into my little red BMW Z28.  "I'm leaving the top up Pafe."  I say.  "It's finally feeling like fall, and aside from these coats, we don't have much on."

The drive to the AChat Bar & Grill is uneventful, and I park the Beamer close to the door.  Pafe and I enter the building and we each blow a kiss at Joe behind the bar, and head for the coat room to hang up our coats.

Then we enter the bar room.

Me first

Followed by Pafe

Smiles all around as we greet eveyone.  "Let's sit at the bar tonight."  Pafe says... "down the end, by the Dwarfs' panel."  We order our drinks from Old Joe (although to us he's not old)  I have one of Covems' sarsparillas and Pafe orders up a Shirley Temple.  "You don't think this paint is going to rub off, do you?"  She asks.

"No Pafie,"  I answer, "it's "tattoo paint.  It is made to stay for days, you can even wash it.  Oh... and remember not to sit with your legs open."

Pafe giggles and says, "You know Sat, it's a unique feeling to be wearing just a layer of paint."

We both giggle at that, then settle in for a fun night.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Fix the Hair
« on: October 22, 2013, 12:03:01 PM »
I agree with Moonie
Fix the hair

Fantasies and Fetishes / Re: Sexy GIFs (not 56K friendly)
« on: October 22, 2013, 11:46:17 AM »

LOL HB... Pafie does squirm like that.

Fantasies and Fetishes / Re: Sexy GIFs (not 56K friendly)
« on: October 22, 2013, 11:43:58 AM »

Erotic Stories / Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
« on: June 03, 2013, 02:32:20 PM »
"My turn!"  I say coyly with hint of mischief in my voice.  I wait for Sexilicious to stop her tickling, then I hop up onto the chair that Covems is sitting in.  A foot on each side of him, firmly planted on the chair seat.

Covems grins that grin at me and starts to slowly move his thighs outwards.  "Uh uh"...  I say to him.  "I wouldn't do that.  If I lose my balance, I might step somewhere where neither of us would like.  Well... especially you."

He winces at the thought of it, and his legs squeeze tighter together.  "That's better."    I begin to sway my body in front of him, dipping and moving so my legs take turns peeking out from under my coat.

I undo a button at the top of the coat, and bend at the waist.  I kiss his cheek, leaving a print on it.  Then I unbutton the coat all the way... slowly, bending and swaying with each button that gets undone.

My body's tight and fit from years of being on stage and dancing.  I have Covems' attention as I take my finger and rub it around my lips, smearing some of the gaudy red lipstick on my finger tip.  I put a dot on his forehead with it, then take the rest and rub it around my pussy.

Bending backwards, I can almost get my hands on the chair seat, but the seat isn't long enough.  I bend at my knees and press my crotch close to his lips and say.  "Kiss."

Then suddenly, before he does, I kick both my feet out and land firmly into Covems' lap with a slap. He winces and moans as all my weight lands on him.  My coat is wide open as I lean in and wrap my arms round him, pulling him tight against me.

Lowering my head, my lips are on his in a grinding, heated kiss.  All the while I'm humping my body against him, moving back and forth on his lap.  My tongue slips across his lips and I kiss him even harder.

Pulling back, I'm almost breathless from the feel of his kiss, I lean all the way back on his lap, my back flat against his legs.  My coat wide open and hanging down the side of the chair.  In one sqift move I reach back and put my palms flat on the floor and with a little kick, flip myself up off of his legs onto my hands, and complete the move by tucking my body and landing on my feet.

I grin at Covems and wink.  Then say....  "NEXT!"

Sexilicious begins to tickle with that feather again.

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