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Messages - Mari_Lunalis

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / Re: Foot Jobs and Foot Fucking
« on: April 04, 2012, 12:35:02 AM »
i think i saw some foot action actually already in one pose... think it was the "lick me quickly one" (M-F) had that as female option.
its just one action (think the guy has 2  "lick the girls feet" actions too in that one) but for the people into that, this might be something to look at till a specific pose for feet sex comes out.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Screenshot button
« on: April 04, 2012, 12:28:06 AM »
thanks for the welcomes and all XD

yeah bandicam seems to be "better" than fraps in this case.
(free) fraps just makes screenshots as bmp that are quite large.
in bandicam you can set achat as target and create screenshots as jpg,or png too. so i guess bandicam is a ok alternative for now,  till something like this is added in the game itsself.

as suggestion:
would be nice if the ingame mouseover help tooltip would actually show the name of the item or set where the item is in, instead of the category.
that way you could see stockings xy is in clothing set xy.

or with the faces/makeup you could see what one it is in the shop. also might be good to name each item different as faces in teh shop all have the same name/description. would be good to name them atleast face1 face2 face3 and the help mouse tooltip in the character editor would list "face 2" then.

also clicking it opens the shop, but could be nice if it would send you to the page of the clicked item then too.

Share your creative ideas / Screenshot button
« on: April 01, 2012, 08:26:55 PM »
either i am blind of there is no screenshot button.  ;D

came to the idea as i saw a "screenshots" folder inside the achat folder on the hd. and the gallery on the main website seem to have no interface (probably just cutout in paint or so...)

but there is no key config ingame... (not that much is needed there anyways) seems the only other key that seems to be used is F10... first thought that would create a screenshot (as it pauses)... but well.. it pauses animations...

theres no screenshot button either near the camera controls, but maybe one could be added somewhere there that creates .png (png/jpeg or whatever could might be set in the options as what file type to save screenshots).

so might be nice to add a screenshot button (some F9 or something?), or mabye even add 2 (F9 for screenshot with interface and shift+F9 for a no interface one)... or a button like the "cam1/cam2/first person" ones near the camera buttons in the interface.

might even be usefull if there would be a album folder on the web profile page somewhere where you could upload your made screenshots into. and maybe mark who can see them (friends/lovers/spouse or even specific people marked with checkboxes on these lists like.. lover 1 can see the ones with him lover 2 just the ones with her if marked etc)

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