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Messages - Shell69

Pages: [1]
Everything about sex and love / Re: Beware of user legman
« on: October 10, 2012, 07:01:50 PM »
OK, everyone I have set by trying to just let all of this pass. However even with the  out pour of love & support shown here it still continues. Why should  anyone have to be subjected to this. Ther e are so many people here & should be someone for everyone. Why should a person have to be like they are being stalked. I have been on Achat for almost a year & have built some real friendships here & feel like people are being attacked just because they are my friend. This startes making it personnal for me no matter how hard I try to just let it pass. I am a big girl & can take care of myself quite well, but it seems that all of the attaks have been on my closest & dearest friends, however I rarely even get a message from the people that have seemed to declare war against me. So I guess that I must say it, if you have a problem please with me then come to me about it & I will be more than happy to explain why I don't care to interact with you anymore. My friends & lovers have all been attacked & all because I have made a decision that you are not the kind of person that I want to be assciated with. Please growup & just go find someone that does like you. They are out there if you would spent as much time looking for them as you do harrassing people you might find them.
 Also want to thank everyone for their support. It is because of you that Achat is such a wonderful place.
 Hugggggggggs & Kisssssssssses

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