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Messages - Jackie

Pages: [1]
Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Room Access Denied
« on: May 23, 2009, 03:46:59 PM »
Hi, i've found a way to solve my pro, i think u need to uninstall the previous Demo completly plus manually deleting the files then can't be uninstalled. Than install the full version. At least 4 me it works. Thanx Achat 4 a great program, best free 3D Adult Chat i've seen so far. Godspeed ppl

hi, 1st thing to say this is a wonderful chat programs needless to say the adult part. LOL wat i would like is a room where u can move around, sit down on chairs, lie down on bed etc.. cause some ppl maybe just wanna talk b4 going into the more hardcore stuff. this could really build up the moods. also, freedom to cuddle, hugs & kisses meant a lot to many ppl b4 & after sex. this is really 1 of the more important parts i want in the future updates hopefully. also, more options to choose from like Asian, Tan etc... customization of bodies will be great. Thanx & i vote Achat to be the beat Adult 3D Chat i've seen so far. Godspeed

Got any problems running AChat? / Room Access Denied
« on: May 21, 2009, 10:04:32 PM »
Dear administrator, i have no problem with logging on to Achat but whenever i invite or being invited, it always states user decline in both parties. The room won't start. I have read the other threads regarding this pro on vista & also disable my router but i still can't acess the rooms. Pls help. Btw, i'm using a broadband & my router's model is D-Link DIR300(which i've disabled when running Achat). I'm currently running the full version of Achat. Also, the auto downloads works fine. Help will be much obliged. Thanks in advance...

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