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Messages - jacopop

Pages: [1]
Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Problem!
« on: May 16, 2012, 07:51:23 AM »
mi hanno scritto questo dopo aver detto se mi toglievano i soldi dalla carta

Dear Customer,

As stated in a previous e-mail, The charge that you are referring to has not been processed against your account. The status of the charge is "Pending." A pending status on a statement means that your bank or financial institution has set aside the requisite funds for the full membership price in advance for payment to CCBill. However, these funds have not actually been deducted from your account by CCBill and no balance is due. This action was taken by your bank or financial institution, not CCBill. The funds will usually be released within seven to 10 business days after the declined transaction has been received. Please contact your bank or financial institution for more information regarding the status of your pending charge and what actions might be taken on their part to release the funds back into your account.

Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Problem!
« on: May 16, 2012, 06:27:24 AM »
ok vorrei scrivergli se è possibile avere i soldi del gioco che ho speso 24.95 $ e 14 $  sia ieri che l'altro ieri avevo speso i soldi però non so che dirgli se mi aiuti con completare la frase mi fai un favore

Got any problems running AChat? / Problem!
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:15:40 PM »
hi i have a problem whitc credit card i buy A$ and arrive this message  why dont arrive A$ ?

Dear Jacopo,

Thank you for your interest in making a purchase from http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/. For your protection, your transaction has been declined by CCBill but may still be eligible to be approved following some additional action on your part.

Please call our Consumer Support Department at 888.596.9279, or the International toll free number below if outside of the U.S., to proceed with the process if you have not completed your purchase elsewhere.

Make sure to reference Transacation ID: .............. when contacting Consumer Support to receive assistance.

Thank you for choosing CCBill as the e-merchant for your purchase!

Phone: 888.596.9279
Calling from outside of the United States? Please visit our website for your international toll free number.
E-mail: consumersupport@ccbill.com
Fax: 480.449.8820
Online Support Center: https://support.ccbill.com

Billing services provided by CCBILL, LLC

pls hel pe sorry for english no speak english  my money ?

Pages: [1]