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Messages - handsomeRob

Pages: [1]
Erotic Stories / Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
« on: October 08, 2012, 04:58:36 PM »
The lights of the bar catch my eye and I think that place looks perfect! As I pull in I think about how I've spent enough of my life working and following orders, and now I deserve some fun. Who knows....maybe I'll meet someone, maybe a fight. I just need to let loose. As I get out of my car and close the door, a smell hits my nostrils of something I've never smelled before. Alcohol, smoke and what smells like sweet and a musky heat. I find myself excited as I open the door to see a large breasted woman giving shots with her tits. My body goes tight with nerves, but I push up to the bar........

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