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Messages - viv123

Pages: [1]
First thoughts

1  A slow sensual  deep entry ... the speeder could speed it up if need be
2  A still - full entry & hold
3 Girl wrapping her legs fully around her man
4 A side temple to temple touching as you shag .. enjoying the intimacy
5 Girl licking nibbling  guys ear slowly, sensuously
6  Man licking the girls ear , slowly, sensuously
7 A deep meaningful snog
8  Hectic  shagging
9 Cumming on the girls tummy / tities
10 Stroking each others hair
11 Grinding chest to chest, gentials
12 Oral sex for each option
13 Wanking for each option
14 Anal
15 Raking the guys back   
16 Love to have my man go in deep, hold then, slowly move his hips
mmmmmmmmmm     :-*

Pages: [1]