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Messages - sweetvalley8

Pages: [1]
Everything about sex and love / Re: Beware of user legman
« on: October 09, 2012, 08:29:43 PM »
Hey everyone,

I am also very good friends with the girls listed in the first post, and have also dealt with legman. He is very nice person when you first meet him, I will give him that. However, once you talk with him the first time...he simply won't give you any air to breath. As soon as he believes that you are not paying attention to him or ignoring him, he starts complaining and ranting. When we (the five of us) decided not to be associated with him anymore, he called several of my friends by very demeaning names and wholeheartedly disrespected them. He also uses devious and aggressive tactics in order to "get back at us," one of these tactics looks like the fake andreacan profile mentioned above. My friends on here mean the world to me, and it simply tears me apart to hear of what he has done in order to get revenge. He is simply not a person you can say no to...even though we have done so plenty of times. I would take caution before talking to him...he simply just doesn't treat others with respect.


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