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Messages - Bill2u

Pages: [1]
Woman with man in AChat / poses with partner
« on: November 25, 2012, 10:05:34 AM »
I think there should be more fore play poses/cuddling posesand add ons to the ones we have.  I spend alot of time here with my gf because we are not together enough so we use this to keep our relationship strong!  just a suggestion but I'm sure we're not the onlyones on here do that.

Woman with man in AChat / making things fair in mf poses
« on: November 25, 2012, 09:54:46 AM »
I think that you sould be able to switch rolls in all mf poses so its not so 1 sided. I'm not just talking about the defenceless poses but I'm sure I'm not the only guy on here that would like to beable to hug there partner while they are dancing.    We are able to change partners on groups why not when with just partner?

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