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Messages - paty_kelly

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / Re: Ideas for new clothes
« on: March 02, 2013, 02:05:51 PM »
Hello paty_kelly  and welcome to Forum.

Thank you for posting your ideas for new clothing ideas.

We also have a  Collecting Ideas for outfits  in the  Polls Topic of this section which you may like to have a look at & post your ideas.


Please also check out The Fashion Houses of our member designers who come up with some fabulous designs in  Artists Ally section.

We have discussed different body options in other topics too  but there are technical issues in changing the avatars in this way, I believe it's because of all the work that would be involved changing the poses to suit it and the positioning.

Please introduce yourself  and I hope you have fun, checking out our Forum Village.

sorry I'm new here, I will search for the right place, I have several ideas to help you guys can close the topic

Share your creative ideas / Ideas for new clothes
« on: March 02, 2013, 05:04:30 AM »
Bikini with different prints, Brazilian models are more beautiful, kind thong, hang gliding and curtininha.
Pants and shorts may be just short and with low waist to show the power and detail pussy panties.
bra and panties and other items from locker rooms with more colors gold, silver, green, blue, pink, yellow, lilac, purple and other colors.
breast size in 4 sizes
height of the person
person's body may be fat, thin, fit, muscular.
foot size small medium large
flushed skin color of sun (tan)
due to the brand bikini sunbathing in the body for tanning
please have a look at the fashion world and see that there are many models of clothing to be applied (from a trendy look that Brazilian and very sexy)

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