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Messages - Lucyliu

Pages: [1]
Once you created those necklace, try to continue in the neck line too. You have the basics I see, just try to create some collars, and types of scarfs too. I'm telling you, its not just me, every girl in achat would be glad to have that.
I know that its been talked a lot about that, but I insist  ;D

Share your creative ideas / Orgasm sounds
« on: March 02, 2013, 06:18:44 AM »
This is one of the most exciting things in a sexual relationship. I know that you are planing this, but why so long?
A good ideea will be maybe in the right low corner, to have some buttons, that activate some orgasm sound, and in shop to have about 10 diferent voices, and in room the button, by pressing it, we and our partner will hear it, I think its not that hard. :)

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