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Messages - marinap

Pages: [1]
Personal Ads / Happy Easter to everyone
« on: March 30, 2013, 06:35:01 AM »
These Happy Easter wishes are special cause they are for all incredible people here;
A great big hugs & a lot of  kisses;
Chocolate bunnies, colored eggs and whole lotta fun...
That’s what Easter and it’s merry-making is all about!
Have an eggg-cellent, egggstra-happy Easter!

H A P P Y   E A S T E R ! ! !

Polls / Re: Collecting ideas for accessory
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:26:19 AM »
What about all kinds of ball gags and ring gags to sm play? This could be simple models with one strap and also with harness

Polls / Re: Collecting ideas for new Shemale poses
« on: March 27, 2013, 08:21:51 AM »
I was writing about this in "Discussion about sex", I mean about Female-Shemale pose. Im thinking about BJ like in Female-Male (woman is on her knees and man is standing). Is it possible to copy this? I think its not a problem to transform it cause pose and actions are ready.  ::) Have I chance to find someone who support my opinion?  ;)

Shemales and their lovers in AChat / Re: fs sucking
« on: March 25, 2013, 12:10:00 AM »
I see that I have to refresh this subject.  Its rather unfair that I cant have the same fun with shemale like with man. I really dont understand the difference. Could someone explain me why we not have this possibility? Im not "IT",  but I think its not a problem to transform pose from FM to FS.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Getting message in room
« on: March 19, 2013, 05:20:20 AM »
But new phones have also good sides of use... For example Kamasutra app  ;D ...when You suddenly forget what You are doing in bed, just switch on the app and it helps You to "finish the job" like professional  ;D ;D ;D  it was joke ofc  ;D

Share your creative ideas / Re: Getting message in room
« on: March 18, 2013, 10:10:59 AM »
Maybe another function of Busy-button is not necessary... I think, I should train quick use of Ignore-button ;) But I dont change my opinion about not getting msg after going out room. Im just lack of words about procedure with logging off and on... I will say like politician: "something should be done with it, and I agree with it . IT departament You have my blessing".  ;D ;D ;D

Share your creative ideas / Re: Register on FORUM
« on: March 18, 2013, 09:55:09 AM »
Well, when I read Yours arguments I see that You also have right. I thought to make it easier to join forum by free users, but now I think, that if "this free user" is a great person she/he will find paying user who can help to join.

Quote from: Lover
You say 3 positive opinions from other members - then it can only be 3 members who are active in forum
You hit directly on target. I was thinking about 3 active forum members  ::)

You are here longer and You know better what is better to all forum members. Now i go to think about another strange question which I can ask You  ;D ::)

Share your creative ideas / Register on FORUM
« on: March 17, 2013, 06:57:03 PM »
Hi, I hope I wont start another rough discussion  :-[
As You know to became forum member You must be Prem. I wonder if there is possibility to give a chance to poor but brilliant persons. I know that 200A$ its not too much, but for some of them it is sometimes a lot. How we can help them? Giving money - it sometimes embarrassing. I thought rather about different possibility. Three possitive opinion from forum users should give them possibility to register. It is not so easy to get this...trust me  ::)
All this above has no sense if Forum is kind of Exclussive Club, but You think that 200 A$ make it exclussive? I ask cause I think that rule  block people with good ideas ;)

Share your creative ideas / Re: Getting message in room
« on: March 17, 2013, 06:16:36 PM »
Now I have to defend free users. Not all of them are... sorry for words "stupid young boys" sending cold invites. Most time on Achat I was free member and sometimes I was upset couse I have many problems with normal exsisting on chat. I started this discussion to create fair way to all users. Now I have a luck and Im Prem member, but truly I wonder if I can still use forum when I will lost this prem. But its another idea which I will tell later.

First of all most of You dont like idea to be informed that Your friend is waiting for You. I try to explain again my idea. I try to do it in points:
1. Message - should be sent by person, not automaticly when person log on chat. So there is no possibility to get 2,3, or 50 msg. It should be only one chance to sent msg.
2. Content of message - should be automatic for example "MRXYZ want to see You" or "MRXYZ is waiting for You". Content of message CANT be individual cause some of people could write unnecessary poems :)
3. Getting msg after room - all of You know that there is something wrong with system. Info about left msg should appear after leaving room not after "log out and on"

Some of You never agree with 2 first points cause You dont want to be disturb, but my idea appear when I was attacked by cold invites. We have to escape to room with my friend. And in the moment when we were in room our friend log on chat. We could speak in group, but we didnt know that she is online (...to some of You: Yes I use sometimes room just to talk, especially in group :):) ...). So thats the reason of my idea.

You probably say: block free user, and You wont have problem anymore. So I ask: who tell that cold invites sent only free members?

Maybe there should be another use for busy-button: block all except friends/lovers/spouses from Your list?

Share your creative ideas / Re: Getting message in room
« on: March 15, 2013, 12:42:51 PM »
As I can see discussion in this subject is rather rough. Most of You dont like this idea but I tried to indicate problem. So lets check different idea. Maybe it should be 3rd kind of block intruders "block all except your friend/lover/spouse list"?  ::)

don't stress            be calm

Share your creative ideas / Re: Getting message in room
« on: March 15, 2013, 08:51:40 AM »
You not get my intention. Its not for use everytime (it depands on human), but i give some example. I was in room with friend cause we were attacked by cold invites (20 cold  invites in 5 min - its boring and waste of time to ignore all of them). And when we were in room, our friend who we not see long time log on achat and must wait for us 1,5 hour. So it would be easier to sent some msg. Im thinking to limit it to friends only (maybe by personal password to contact which You can give to them or not).
I did think about all kinds of massengers like Yahoo, cause this idea is to make better Achat without using outsides programs.
And message to skeptics. For me room is not only for sex. Its sometimes only place to calm talk with friend. Blocking free users its not soultion, cause many of my friends are free, so why I should block them too?

Share your creative ideas / Getting message in room
« on: March 14, 2013, 09:59:12 AM »
Hi, have You ever thought about getting message from Your friends when You are in room (busy)? I have some time problems cause when Im in room I just can't check if my friend who I arrange meeting is waiting for me or not. Some people says don't go room if you are waiting for someone, but sometimes we have situations that we can't refuse. Other thing is how this msg should look like? For example on chat window auto msg "XpersonX is trying to contact You". There is one problem I see at the beggining. Some of people here can just abuse this to much. Idea is open... What do You think about it?

Events / Re: Secret Easter
« on: March 08, 2013, 09:22:22 AM »
I like this kind of events, so if I can I would love to join  ::)

Group play in AChat / Kisses and hugs
« on: March 08, 2013, 09:17:07 AM »
Hi, I try to give some idea, something that is missing here. I was searching this action or pose for group. I know that it is not "action" pose  ;) but it could be nice to kiss friends in group meeting or hug them. This pose is not for sex but rather for talking. And most poses I saw was ... how to say...selfish  ::) two have fun and third is only watching. What do You think about it? Its only idea, if You like it we can think how to make it better...

Introduce yourself / Hello
« on: March 03, 2013, 08:44:08 AM »
Hi everyone. At the beginning I want sent kisses to people who I know here  ::) and also to people who I meet here soon. My name is Marina, Im 29 yo or rather in this year 30!!  ;) Thanks to some forum members I could join SV and I enjoyed that.
I like ACHAT game and forum idea, cause it helps me relax when I need it. I hope that it gives me a lot of pleasure in the future.
I try to give some of my ideas to make this place better
Thanks for listening me

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