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Messages - wasabii

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / Re: Gifting
« on: March 05, 2013, 07:35:21 PM »
Its not the A$ that counts its a heartless gift.. and if you buy something for them and they own it already is a good question.. BUT that could most definitely be resolved by making it very clear that they do not claim responsibility for the gifts you purchase for someone if they already own it. How abaout you can only gift to a spouse an item? I'm not saying in anyway to to stop the gift giving of A$ becasue I do realize it keeps the prem memeberships going. the flowers are nice and chocolates yeah, bu its mentioned where they disappear in 3 days. theres more heart in a gift with thought.. plain and simple

Good point.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Gifting
« on: March 05, 2013, 07:26:20 PM »
Like someone else said, the option to gift items would be highly appreciated by many premium users. :D The more options and customizations AChat offers, the better, right? I think it would be a fair option for the people that would like to and of course those of you that don't want to, just don't do it. The whole purpose of this is to be life-like right?  :-\

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