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Messages - ThaBASE

Pages: [1]
« on: April 22, 2013, 12:05:57 AM »
All good old movies and tv shows have a remake with a modern twist, The Great Gatsby for example.
Along the same thoughts as hentaiboy's tv idea...I like the idea of remaking our own.
Take a favorite show or film, (even a newer one) and write it as if what you would do style.
Example...tv...Friends. If they were so close, why was there never an orgy?  ;D
Example...movie...What if The Expendables is about a male escort service?
Old movie remake example...Gone With the Wind. What if he gave a damn and rushed her upstairs!

Just ideas. ---BASE

Introduce yourself / Re: Hello everyone!
« on: April 21, 2013, 11:38:54 PM »
Thank you all for such a warm welcome! I promise to play by the rules, be respectful
and have lots of fun! Pleasure meeting you all !

I feel like I belong already! Hentaiboy, I will be on the lookout! LOL

Hope to meet you all in the bar!

Introduce yourself / Re: Hello everyone!
« on: April 19, 2013, 04:22:00 PM »
Sorry if the intro was toooo long!

Thank you for the welcome!

Let me check out the bar and get used to it, don't mind being the voice!

I can see I'm going to be up all night already!

Thanks again!!! Off to check it out!

Introduce yourself / Hello everyone!
« on: April 19, 2013, 03:45:52 PM »
 Hi, my name is BASE...here and in real life.

 I joined about a month ago and so far am having a blast! I find more and more fun every time I log in.

 A little about me...I am a professional voice artist (known as the "big voice guy")...hence the name BASE...mine is super deep.

 I was born and raised in the SouthEast coast, surf for a hobby and get to travel to some really nice places in my profession, but never forgetting my southern charm or how to be a gentleman!!

 I work mostly with musicians as I am also a part-time radio jock. It DOES have it's perks, so does having a vibrating deep voice. LOL

 I'm a HUGE fan of tattoos and have MANY, but a suit will hide them if needed!

In reality, I'm just a regular man who appreciates all walks of life.

 So far in my month long membership I've already met some fake women and by fake, I mean guys...lol, I've met some incredibly nice women on here and enjoyed talking to many!

I'm NOT a cold inviter nor do I just like hopping to it. It takes more than a well dressed avatar and mmmmm, oooo, yessss to turn me on.

Sometimes, I just want to chat. I talk for a living...can you blame me?

It's relaxing to come home and just talk one on one since my profession keeps me on the go and single!!!

 My Doberman can't hold a conversation very long! HA!!

I look forward to many more days of continued fun!!             Again....nice to meet you all !!

Pages: [1]