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Messages - sweetleah

Pages: [1]
Introduce yourself / Re: new.. again.. from kentucky
« on: May 13, 2013, 04:47:05 AM »

thanks to making me feel welcome! and I just added me to blind date.

have fun, everybody! both here and in the game.

leah   ;)

Events / Re: New Game - Blind Date
« on: May 13, 2013, 04:36:19 AM »

i'll do it!! count me in!

leah   :P

Introduce yourself / new.. again.. from kentucky
« on: May 12, 2013, 01:16:20 PM »

ok.. i need to finally do this. I was on achat in the game last year for 'almost' 4 months... i left in january thinking i would not be back because of school (part-time) and my job (part-time)... so naturally i am back again one week ago. I used to read stuff in the forum.. seems fun.. but i never made a post. SO.. this time i hope it's different, and i hope to have fun and make many friends who love to laugh and have fun!

Thanks to Tango and especially my special Masaru88 for suggesting i do this, and also for showing or suggesting things to read and do!!

I wish happiness and fun to everyone!! And thanks for even reading this!!

Leah  :)

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