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Messages - SirReality

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / Re: Sounds for the rooms
« on: June 12, 2013, 06:32:01 PM »
hmmmmmm........or Yours Very Truly could compose and record wonderful music tracks including all of these various nature sounds....individually in songs custom made for this site....as well as combining some nature effects for a really nice, really romantic and very sexy background:)  as i have already realized, the sky is the limit (and not even then:)  for a place like this:)  happy to be on board.-  neil

Introduce yourself / Re: Howdy all yall, from the Great state of TX:)
« on: June 10, 2013, 06:25:09 PM »
Again, TYVM for the warm welcome.  Sara and I are, as I mentioned, very excited by what we have seen here so far....being disappointed refugees from IMVU (pffft) and so share the excitement of that "Bee Girl" from the Blind Melon video:)  Seems we have come to the right place:)  I just submitted 3 of my original music compositions to the development team addy and hope they are enjoyed as they seem to work nicely.  Have many more ofc and look forward to sharing them, as well as ideas as it is very encouraging to have come to a place that encourages this.  The sky really IS the limit for a site like this:)-  neil

p.s.  any chance stock options are available?   :)

Introduce yourself / Re: Howdy all yall, from the Great state of TX:)
« on: June 08, 2013, 09:36:44 PM »
Thanks to all yall for the warm welcome.  I will comply in having my love Sara  come say howdy herself here very soon:)  I will also send mp3 music samples in for review as I think they will be well received...reflecting my sensual and erotic side musically and oft combined with the sounds of nature:)
Look forward to meeting you soon:)-  Neil...err SirReality

Introduce yourself / Re: Current Birthdays
« on: June 06, 2013, 11:20:50 PM »
:)  I turned 46 only 20 min ago.........i like it:)  gotta feelin 46 is gonna be a good year:)- neil

Introduce yourself / Howdy all yall, from the Great state of TX:)
« on: June 06, 2013, 11:18:40 PM »
My name is.....SirReality (Neil) and my wife LdyReality (Sara) have joined  Achat.  We are very excited by all we have seen so far!  The graphics and detail, fluidity of movement of the AVI's, facial expressions and wide variety of actions are wonderful.  We are monogamous but welcome friendships and interactions with other fun , creative and nice folks.

A bit about us:
She is an artist....an amazing Developer who has a great eye for color and detail.....and a very beautiful person with a great sense of humor:)

I am a recording artist out of Dallas Texas,  creative, "conceptual guy" with non stop " what if's" regarding music,  products and actions...and life in general:)  I hope to have some of my music here as well as my wife's products:)  I would really appreciate someone helping my missus learn how to dev products here as she is very good yet unfamiliar with the process here and honestly...(do not tell her i said this) maybe a bit "head shy:)"

We hope that in time here we may be able to share our skills and help to grow this great site as well as meet and enjoy company with many of you.  We are both very happy to have come here:)-  neil

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