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Messages - Bostonbadass

Pages: [1]
Everything about sex and love / Re: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER
« on: October 20, 2013, 07:38:23 PM »
Heh, thanks lover. But hey it takes two to tango, perhaps she says no so no guarantees yet  :-\
Interested to see how this would work out, will check it out now.

Everything about sex and love / Re: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER
« on: October 20, 2013, 06:54:09 PM »
^^^ So true, plenty of laughs to be found here.

As Lover said, on the first page, "Wanna room for A$?" Seriously? If I was desperate enough to pay for sex, I wouldn't buy it on a computer game  ;D
But other than that, I'd say the worst ones are when people go super perv on you. Like damn, not even a hello? I don't enjoy the game so very much when I don't know someone in the slightest... Heck, my best lovers (probably spouse soon :P) on here I didn't even room with the first 2-3 times I chatted with them!

Share your creative ideas / Organizing Search better
« on: October 16, 2013, 10:36:58 PM »
Alright guys and gals, pretty simple concept most likely already posted here...Isn't it annoying to have to shuffle through partners, scanning for green dots amongst the yellows? why not simply have it organize the search results by Free > In room > offline

Got any problems running AChat? / Problems with new update
« on: September 07, 2013, 10:52:09 AM »
Updated my client on 9/7/13....First time i loaded the game since the update my computer bluescreened. I figured i just overloaded it because i was updating my Sims 3 and running several other things and dismissed it as a user error. But then when it rebooted, the game blackscreened me as it was loading (hitting Ctrl Alt Del didnt bring up a menu either) then the game just crashed. Third time it opened up just fine, but the game is having minor malfunctions. I ran a system virus scan with Norton and nothing came up.

My computer is a Lenovo Z580 with Windows 7. Never had problems with AChat or any game for that matter, as it has tremendous RAM and a above-average graphics card. Anyone else having these problems?

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