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Messages - bc11

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / Re: Clothing On couch sitting postion
« on: August 19, 2013, 05:11:15 AM »
To continue on clothed sex :
Well it is not as easy as adding new pose or new clothes for sure.

There has to be some more "complex logic" behind it than just poses with clothes, otherwise it will make no sense for reasons Rukya already mentioned.

Maybe some additional options for clothes like: pants can be pulled down, skirts, dresses pulled up ? Anyway it would bring significant improvements to the game for sure, even if that would be limited to just some clothes and positions :)

Share your creative ideas / Re: Clothing On couch sitting postion
« on: August 09, 2013, 11:24:06 AM »
Hello All

I sign myself for above ideas with both hands  :)  Clothing on Couch would be great for just chat or simply nice start before real fun :). Not to mention it could be also useful for RP (specially with some nice actions planned :) ) Currently the only option is to dance which is sometimes simply strange. It might be even good to have to options for this : "mainly for talking" and something with more agressive moves :)
Taking of cloths is another thing missing. Could be useful for good foreplay, all king of games etc.  Definitely worth discussing with more details :)
I could also add ideas for some "clothed sex", but not sure if anyone else could find it interesting :)

Regards to all of you...

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