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Messages - noone

Pages: [1]
hi, 1st thing to say this is a wonderful chat programs needless to say the adult part. LOL wat i would like is a room where u can move around, sit down on chairs, lie down on bed etc.. cause some ppl maybe just wanna talk b4 going into the more hardcore stuff. this could really build up the moods. also, freedom to cuddle, hugs & kisses meant a lot to many ppl b4 & after sex. this is really 1 of the more important parts i want in the future updates hopefully. also, more options to choose from like Asian, Tan etc... customization of bodies will be great. Thanx & i vote Achat to be the beat Adult 3D Chat i've seen so far. Godspeed

i am with you man!!! Tom consider this options...its importnet stuff..maybe the most

Share your creative ideas / 2 windows
« on: June 18, 2009, 12:57:00 AM »
there is any chance open 2 windows of this game?

this game rly cool but if u can make him work offline with 2 windows its will be nice. when u go with robot girl/guy u can only make ur guy/girl movments insex...so or u add the partner movements or dunno.
ty...good game rly

Share your creative ideas / Re: Granny and fat skin
« on: June 18, 2009, 12:54:01 AM »
yes! this game rly have big potensial...
the creators must expend the game options, more skins, more positions. more music, add moans effecs...
hair styles, places...

i see success in this game depends the creators

Woman with man in AChat / Re: Masturbating
« on: June 18, 2009, 12:39:20 AM »
where is missonary? we want more positions!!!

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