Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... / Re: Obituary Thread
« on: August 31, 2016, 06:44:31 PM »
My condolences to Tango and everyone of you who loved her and will miss her.
*hugs you all*
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Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... / Re: Obituary Thread« on: August 31, 2016, 06:44:31 PM »![]() My condolences to Tango and everyone of you who loved her and will miss her. *hugs you all* 2
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 06, 2015, 06:35:43 PM »OMG Lover is that what you got out of the list discussion? That he's upset they won't room with him? thats actually incredibly insulting 3
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 06, 2015, 06:10:14 PM »
Quote from: Lover on Today at 05:45:38 PM
TG, they stated several times now, there is no List. They said, your name has been told though. Next, if I get the chatlog, will you stop this discussion? well actually there was a list .. until Amber came online and said there wasn't a list... just saying ![]() 4
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 06, 2015, 05:27:28 PM »Well I think that worked out well.. Amber will provide the chatlogs of the alleged conversations just to prove this isn't another unwarranted attack on TG. Thankyou amber for That said, in answer to HisGirlOnly.. I appreciate your point about those we or our friends come in contact with who may be young or criminal. There IS NO REAL LIST .. but Rest assured, ALL individuals we have or will come in contact with who may be engaged in illegal activities are reported individually to the moderators who will bare witness to this fact. On numerous occasions we have done so and will continue to do so. Often, chat logs and notifications have been sent to us and forwarded directly to BrandyBee for admin/moderator investigation & disposition. I think this shows real support for the achat community. In future posts you might want to reduce ur font size as I found it aggressive. Kind of the same way CAPS LOCK ON looks like yelling. 5
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 06, 2015, 01:37:44 PM »Yes I really think the moderators should get an unedited copy of the list. Especially as..... The BLACK LIST are a few names from ones the do things they would no one allow here. THINGS they are in a few countrys forbidden ! and THERE is no REAL LIST! WE HAVE ONLY A FEW NAMES FROM ONES THEY DO young INCEST AND OTHER BULLSHIT ! You get it now ? and also if they are on it for breaking this rule NO slave or member of HDSR will engage in illegal activities or those which encourage pedophiles such as - AGE/Child play, incest or violence against children, severe tortures, force rape (ooc consent RP possible), Scat/shit play, actual prostitution (they can accept & encourage gifts), bestiality/beastiality/animal play Which would make the ones on your list also accountable to the administrators as they violate Achat TOS also laws in place to protect internet users in general.. Is Tg is being accused of any of these things ? Improperly accusing someone of such things is actually illegal in it's self. 6
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 06, 2015, 07:06:09 AM »The house is not under attack the members are not under attack The rules of the house are. The treatment of non-members by the collective group is. If you can't justify or explain them , then u know they they aren't appropriate. 7
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 06, 2015, 06:04:33 AM »Posted by: stacy_strong Insert Quote Now you Change the topic No Same topic (( **ALL MEMBERS of HDSR collectively accept that those listed have given sufficient abuse, misconduct towards and/or offence to one or more members of their family, be they Owner, Affiliate or Owned, that they are encouraged to avoid interaction with and Ignore with the rest of us! THIS LIST does not include those who may or may not be IGNORED by individual members of personal insults or just simply not getting along with some of us but getting on well with others! All members may play with whom they wish of course, but those who make the list , most if not all of us are fed up with!**)) **TO PREVENT FLAMING we chose not to publically list these individuals in this forum. House members please see A Master or Mistress for complete lists and helpful hints!** 8
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 06, 2015, 05:07:05 AM »
When u spend a little time with someone... the manner in which they speak becomes like a signature.
I feel that if Oli addressed this discussion with honesty and explained his viewpoint clearly... everyone could better understand this entire thread. It is not his "house" ultimately that is the problem but (as already pointed out) rules in place (as shown in their members thread) within the house that affect non members. I would like to know how and why those rules enhance game play for any group within Achat and if they don't then I'd like to know the reason why they are enforced. And Roxxy you continue to focus on TG instead of the point of the thread. 9
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 06, 2015, 02:28:33 AM »
Re my comment about taking gifts that offended roxy. "we know" refered to we at forum as her past stance on the gift discussion showed
Re: The Gift « Reply #28 on: May 01, 2014, 07:50:36 PM » Reply with quoteQuote The meaning of the gift to me. God has give gifts to us way before our time they are from him so he buts it in the hearts of other's and at that right time he knows when to give it. A gift should be given when it comes from the heart and when that gift is given it is from him giving it to you ... The discussion had run towards the house of stones gifting policy and therefore was on topic. 10
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 06, 2015, 01:21:52 AM »
You're changing your posts Roxxy and they are getting more and more insulting and off topic.
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 06, 2015, 01:07:35 AM »
Try to listen... this is the third time I said the change of title was the right thing to do
and wtf does square have to do with any of this... we had 30 regular members this season last year 12
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 06, 2015, 12:28:09 AM »
How I play is none of your business! just as you used to go sending me whats that word around with any one but that's your game your business what did i do now?..just as some others that like to be sending naked photos but I am not going to name names we now who that is to ...Attacking someone else not relevant to this post as well?
as for him he was rude to me as he is to a lot others calling me name even used the whore word on me to I say its a good reason to delete and ignore him hes the one that called the group dum sluts Is the same thing as calling them whores I don't thing a good thing for the community to be calling others insulting names also Agreed ... luckily ur man changed the title to something more respectful just as i did not go in to your town after you had your rules and all the drama fights in there and nothing changed how many times was it that you ran out a lot girls there I didn't make the rules in the square should I post your game to here hgo sure if you think it would be relevant to this discussion 13
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 05, 2015, 11:56:08 PM »
I feel that was a deliberate swing at Seth and not part of this discussion.
Ps you did hear both sides of the story... the rules posted for the house of stone was side one. Moderated by Brandybee to keep topic on discussion. 14
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 05, 2015, 09:31:39 PM »Quote from: icebox on Today at 06:35:25 PM .....everyone forgets that this so called "horrible rules from the house", its for the benifit of the role play,, anyone that has enjoyed the house , they did so by their own free will, and not forced, and they always can say no Oli the problem is your house 'rules' affect players outside of your house. You can't really just throw your hands in the air and say you've had enough of the conversation without first accepting that this game isn't "the HOS" it's "Achat". If you are consciously choosing to ruin game play or hurt people outside your house then you should be held accountable. 15
Groups & Families / Re: Shady rules of Houses or Groups« on: January 05, 2015, 04:24:25 AM »
This is how you choose to use your leisure time? I've always been a firm believer that gifting.. when it's not a gift ..shouldn't exist here. and telling other people who they can be friends with shouldn't exist here. However we all play our own way. Make our own choices (even if that choice is to let someone else control us and manipulate us). Fight the battles you can win .... and associate yourself with nicer people. The important thing is if you don't enjoy your time on a game .. then u should either find a new way to play it.. or find a new game. PS thank you lover for the title change of the post |