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Messages - n301_AC2

Pages: [1]
Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Connection lost!
« on: February 07, 2014, 06:28:32 AM »

Thanks Lover  :)   

I'd like to ask one more thing if you don't mind with respect to the recommend hardware specs to run AChat comfortably.

Your suggestions and advice is always greatly appreciated ;)

Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Connection lost!
« on: February 05, 2014, 04:59:58 AM »
Hello again Lover,

Thank you for all your useful suggestions.
It turns out that it was an issue with the internal wifi adapter. I'm using the HD version of AChat and the laptop specifications are sort of borderline for this edition of AChat so I think it was overheating too fast and the first thing that was sacrificed was the internal wifi adapter which automatically switched off.
I have now attached an external USB wifi adapter, leaving the internal one disabled, and it looks like the wifi connection when I use AChat is working comfortably. It is not an ideal solution but a decent workaround nonetheless :)
Fingers crossed I don't have any further wifi issues but if something goes wrong again I'll switch to the defaut AChat version and uninstall the HD version as you suggested as well.
If you any other comments or suggestions about this issue please let me know as well :)
Many thanks once again

Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Connection lost!
« on: February 02, 2014, 10:06:16 AM »
Hi Lover,

Thanks for your response.
It's windows 7 ultimate that I'm using with the laptop.
I've tried other areas in the house where the wifi signal is stronger but unfortunately the same problem keeps happening.
The only other app I occasionally use at the same time is the web browser.
I would also like to add that other computers that are connected to the router via wifi don't lose the connection and it's just mine that is dropped when I start achat with wifi only. As I mentioned previously, everything is fine when I use the ethernet cable and I can use achat for hours without any problem.
I'd be very grateful if someone who had a similar issue in the past and has successfully dealt it knows whether there's a way to configure achat network settings somehow in order to ease the load on wifi adapters or if there's a setting I should change for the internal wifi adapter in order for it to handle the wifi connection more effectively when achat is running as well.
Many thanks once again in advance for your help and I look forward to your suggestions

Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Connection lost!
« on: February 01, 2014, 07:11:12 AM »
Hello everyone!

I'm having a similar problem myself using my laptop with its internal wifi adapter.
When I use achat with ethernet, the connection is fine and never drops. However, when i use wifi, the connection in achat drops after 5 minutes or so.
No other program is interfering and wifi connectivity in the laptop is lost entirely. In fact, the only way to restore wifi connectivity is by restarting the laptop altogether. For some reason, it appears that achat is killing the wifi connectivity and I would like to ask if there's some way to configure achat network settings so that they don't put too much stress on the wifi adapter.
Many thanks in advance for your kind response and I look forward to your suggestions.

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