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Messages - captinemo

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No I didn`t change it since months and I been using the same password as my forums one, and no the shift is not activated, the client even had the option "Save password" marked as well.

Yep, that`s true, it`s only me, but seriously it`s too weird, I don`t see any benefits for a hacker to get our account as they are not with alot investment, or that we communicate with other people there.

Umm lol, well if we are really hacked, that sound quite funny, because It`s not like I know alot of people there or have alot of friends or credit there either, I just log in to have some fun with my spouse and that`s all.

Well I actually did send a ticket asking for an explanation of what exactly happened to our accounts, it`s weird that I even did a full malware and virus scan to my computer, and there is nothing detected.

But will they reset it to the previous password that I know and been using it or how it goes?

And more weird that even my Spouse Account got the password changed as well.

We been playing this game since a long while as well, and just of today when I tried to log in it kept saying wrong password and username in the client, so I decided to try the website, and no luck, it kept saying the same and I had 6 tries thing, well I couldn`t login, yet my forums password which is the same as my client account, remain and I could login normally..

I really have doubts that there is some hack happened or so, as I remember quite well that I didn`t attempt to change my password, and it wasn`t easy to guess.

I tried to log in today and all of sudden it kept saying that my password is wrong, I was pretty shocked as I was sure that I typed it properly..

Can someone tell me how possible is this to happen without even letting me know that my password is changed? or did I get hacked or something?

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