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Messages - Tonyg

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Share your creative ideas / Ethical dilemmas
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:50:06 AM »

Ethical dilemmas, also known as moral dilemmas, are situations in which there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion.

I’m sure that in the course of our lives all of us had to face and deal with such dilemmas.
I’m also sure that not all of us would make the same decisions in every situation.

But why is that? Aren’t we all moral people?

Let me give u an example:

“Your best friend is about to get married. The ceremony will be performed in one hour, but you have seen, just before coming to the wedding, that your friend’s fiancee has been having an affair. If your friend marries this woman, she is unlikely to be faithful, but on the other hand, if you tell your friend about the affair, you will ruin his wedding. Would you, or would you not, tell your friend of the affair?”    
(Source: Listverse http://listverse.com/2011/04/18/10-more-moral-dilemmas/)

I’m sure that’s not an easy decision to make…

So, what would u do?
You can see what others would do and vote too if u want in the following link:

As u can see most people (86%) would “Tell your best friend; sure the day will be ruined, but better a day ruined than an entire life”
and less (14%) would prefer to “Say nothing; your job is to be supportive and participate in your friend’s happiness”

Of course, the fact that most people choose to tell doesn’t make this decision the righteous one.

Let me prove it to u…

In the same example let’s say that it is your best friend that is having an affair.
What would u do then? Would u tell his fiancée before the wedding?

I’m sure all of you that answered yes in the first example would choose not to tell this time.

But why is that? What changed? The facts are the same.

The key-word in this is “best friend”.

As u can see our morality has to do with persons and not actions.
When it involves persons close to us our morality is more loose.

What I’m trying to say here is that sometimes we have to make decisions that might hurt others but we consider them righteous.
Decisions that others won’t see as ethical, only because they are closer to the people involved.

Of course these ethical dilemmas are not easy to answer and might torture you for a long time.
Maybe weeks, months even.
And because some may question and doubt your accusations (especially the person involved), you have to observe the situation for some time, to exclude any mistakes on your part, just to make sure theres no doubt at all.
At one point though you might decide that if you let the situation continue like this, more people involved will get hurt, manipulated or even abused.

This leads me to the main reason for this post, the ethical dilemma of multiple accounts and questions which still have to be answered.

Are multiple accounts ethical?
Some might say "yes why not? It’s a game after all".
Some might say "no because its not ethical to fool people on an emotional level".

Yes but what if these accounts interfere with something more than just fun?

Let me give you another example.

What if I use my multi accounts to take part in contests and comps so that I’ll have more chances to win them? Especially when A$ are involved?

What if I use my multi accounts to take part in polls and give a boost to my favorite person, or even to myself?

What if I make a post and use my many accounts to support ideas, or guide discussions in a certain direction to make my own point more strong?

You know there is a term for this. It is called “Sock Puppet”.
“The term sock puppet refers to multiple pseudonyms in use by the same person on a particular message board or forum. The analogy of a sock puppet is of a puppeteer holding up both hands and supplying dialogue to both puppets simultaneously. A typical use of a sockpuppet account is to agree with or debate another sockpuppet account belonging to the same person, for the purposes of reinforcing the puppeteer's position in an argument. Sock puppets are usually found when an IP address check is done on the accounts in forums.
Sockpuppets may be created during an online poll to submit multiple votes in favor of the puppeteer. A related usage is the creation of multiple identities, each supporting the puppeteer's views in an argument, attempting to position the puppeteer as representing majority opinion and sideline opposition voices. In the abstract theory of social networks and reputation systems, this is known as a sybil attack."

As I said earlier there might be different interpretations and dealing with the above ethical dilemmas.
But we have to respect other people and their perception of ethics as well.
It's also wrong, just my personal ethical point of view again, to not act at all and just let all that happen.

Answering the second dilemma for myself, if my best friend was having an affair, I would say: "No, I wouldn’t tell his fiancée that he is having an affair and I would deny any accusations too. He is my best friend after all".

But I would try to talk to him and advise him that what he is doing is wrong and he must stop this immediately because this hurts other people and it’s not a right thing to do.
If he would listen to me?
That I can’t answer but at least my conscious would be less guilty.
Because believe it or not my conscious will trouble me either way.


After Jaynie's great post named "IP sharing for dummies", I would like to share my own experience.
For a year now i take the SAME taxi to work and there are ALWAYS the SAME copassengers in it.  ;D

I'm happy we settled this once and for all. That article about a pilot technology that is not used from all ISPs, was so powerful that changed the POV even for the determined and great Admin who miraculously saw the light he was looking for to change his opinion back to normal and forgetting everything else he said.

Maybe i should stay quiet in front of all the "experts" in the IP Networking field, the "googlers" that seek for and simplify information that suits them the best, the decisive Admins that desperately seeking for a "miracle" to hold on to and change their POV overnight, and the neutral forum mods that could easily confirm everything, just taking a look at their logs comparing all the info was given to them.

I know this is not a court and we cant convict anyone. Neither this is the purpose for all this. I know also that is hard for the forum mods to not stand for their colleague. I would probably do the same.

I wont start with any technical info either, explaining what are the odds for 3 members of ONE forum to be in the SAME provider which MIGHT use the named PILOT technology in their SAME region and share the SAME IP from a pool of 9 IPs that CHANGE DYNAMICALY among hundreds of thousands of other subscribers, ALL of them asking a new IP from the SAME pool the SAME day. Considering that there might be 1 million+ people on the same package and so the chances of anybody sharing an IP and being members of the same forum are... I leave the calculations to the "experts".

To be clear, I have nothing against anyone, as the most of the ones that post in here I believe. I met all of the mods and achat members and I have high respect for them.

Thats why i was expecting some different approach in this matter. I thought integrity and honesty would come first. Noone wants heads to be taken. I thought this could be resolved quietly with just an apologie.

To quote the great Admin - that changed his POV overnight miraculously - there are always three sides yours, mine and what really happened. For me there are ppl that know the truth and ppl that dont. The ones that know the truth in this story are the ones that fighting. One side tries to prevail that truth and the other side tries to hide it from the common view. The ones that doesnt know what is going on are just taking sides according to their previously friendships and relationships.

I dont want to say more. Its all there for the mods to look for.

As already been said, most of the damage is done. Lets not cause more of it.

As i said before, its not the purpose of all this to take someone's head. Or to convict someone. But I think we all know how it feels when u know the truth and they are trying to take it away from u. And mostly WE ARE NOT DUMMIES my dear Jaynie (hugs) :D

Share your creative ideas / Re: Topic keeps disappearing
« on: April 21, 2016, 05:33:16 AM »
I think i can spare my 5 cents too in this topic and ask the mods why they have to lock a whole thread and keep deleting another one with a similar content calling on the TOS, and dont just moderate the exact part of the given post as they usually do.
I'm sure the whole post wasn't against the TOS.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Time for a few changes
« on: April 11, 2016, 04:30:32 AM »
Forgive me all, but im a bit slow...
I'm trying to figure out what this thread is all about...
It started with a (rightly or wrongly it doesnt matter) member's proposal-suggestion-accusation about the mods in this forum and the way they handle things in here...
Since then, a lot of members (related or unrelated to this matter) posted their opinions...but NOT ANY OF THE MODS...
Except (with a 2 weeks delay) a silent-and-with-lost-of-his-interest-in-the-forum mod (his own words) stood up and posted (to his honor)...
What he said? He asked all members to shut up! (I dont use his original words cause i know he is nice deep inside)...
He also tried to answer to another's member's post-complain. He or any of the rest mods never asked about the real reasons that lead to the initial suggestion...And as far as i know there was a proposal for a private discussion with the mods which never was accepted...and i also know its a lot more than just the complain about a moderation in a single post that everyone is focusing on...
They see the tree and not the forest...or at least thats what they choose to see...
I won't tell them how to do their job but what i would do if i (as a mod) had an accusation? (from one or many it doesnt matter).
I'd try to contact them or post asking what their real problem is and not what the other members make it look to be the one...
I'm not taking any sides...i'm not saying the thread is rightful or not...I have high respect for all members and all mods (even the silent ones).
But i think this thread is leading to a wrong direction and many things have been posted here (even jokes and famous quotes) but nothing about the real problem (and again its NOT about the moderation in the dating game), and mostly NOTHING from the mods to whom this is addressing to.
So, what I suggest is either closing this thread from the mods if they think it's not worthing to deal with it or to stand up and post their opinion and ask and discuss what THE REAL problem is about (if there is one, thats what both sides have to agree on).
In any way, this thread has to be related to the title it is given and ppl must post their own opinion about it and not posting personal accusations to each other.
Closing, I personally am against pseudo-Revolutions but i welcome new changes in things. Sometimes they are needed even if we cant see it.

TY for listening
A confused member

David Bowie - Slow Burn


« on: January 06, 2016, 04:22:14 PM »

ok im in with...

goooooo Cardinals

Christmas (Xristougenna),
the Feast of the Nativity of Jesus is one
 of the most joyful days of the Greek Orthodox Church.
Traditionally, the Christmas holiday period in Greece lasts 12 days,
until January 6, which marks the celebration of the Feast of the Holy Theophany (Epiphany).
There are many customs associated with the Christmas holidays, some of which are relatively recent,
“imported” from other parts of the world (like eating turkey on Christmas day and decorating the Christmas tree).
In the past, Greeks decorated small Christmas boats in honour of St. Nicholas and today, they are
increasingly choosing to decorate boats, instead of trees, reviving this age-old Christmas tradition.

« on: December 12, 2015, 10:44:41 AM »

Tony vs Blayne

ok Blayne...come out wherever u are...
time for a wager bro...

Since u got some much Christmas spirit in u...
All i want for Christmas is...
to see u dressed like this...

Santa's red waistcoat
Santa's boots
Santa's red hat of course

(yes the one u love to wear)

and trying to make u more sexy than Santa...
no red pants...

but these briefs  :D

waiting for your counteroffer

Merry Christmas my friend

Events / Re: Alpine Skiing Sweep
« on: December 04, 2015, 04:51:40 PM »


« on: November 28, 2015, 05:07:54 PM »
@ TonyG: What about a wager for our match?

If I win, you will have to wear the clothes I choose and a banner for 5 days.

ok Lover...lets have a wager...

since its very popular lately, our theme will be... PINK  ;D

this is what u going to wear my dear friend if u lose ...for 3 (not 5) whole days

(including the BG)

and your banner will say..."Pink isnt just a color, its an attitude"

im waiting for your specific offer about my clothes and banner so we can have a wager Lover  ;)

Let me ask u something Alley...
You obviously asking for the IP location system cause you dont trust the infos ppl provide and u want them to be filled automatically, if i understand right...
But then, do u trust their sex, age, orientation and preferences info they give? Or u ask for guaranties for that too?
So, my opinion is, as the others said before, to try to build and gain that trust with others.
Then u can have more time to enjoy the game than to set multiple filters or block the others.
Have fun! :)

« on: November 20, 2015, 05:44:42 AM »

New York Jets  at Houston Texans
Maron vs (unadopted) Tony



It looks like

both our opponents

are unadopted this week.

So lets make it more interesting.

I know that you love challenging me :P

Here's my deal...Bringing the Christmas spirit in

forum, in case you lose, you have to wear this for 3 days

and your tagline will be..."I'm the reason Santa has a naughty list :-["

ohhhh almost forgot...I want my 3 pity points since im the underdog :P

Do we have a deal honey?

ho ho ho

« on: November 08, 2015, 08:56:08 AM »
Hey Tony!!  Tought you could hide???

SUNDAY Nov. 8 2015

Denver Broncos Peeka at Indianapolis Colts TonyG

Seems broncos have a little disadvantage, so I'll take 3 pts head. And if you lose, you'll look like a real cowboy with this outfit for 3 days:


and any of the black and white "don't hide your manhood" pants...
then hide your manhood in silver and black fetish style briefs

Ok, these pants don't allow you to hide yur manhood it seems, so... we change this to : red knee length shorts for loose summer. yes it is ugly, and sorry I tried to make you look nice, but didn't work muahah.

Tagline : Colts are for real cowboys!


Damn I thought I got away with that  :)

ok Peeka, I'll try to make a deal with u...

First...YOU are the favorite in this game (fyi BRONCOS are unbeatable so far, 7-0 wins), so I have to ask for my 7 pity points (one point for every game u won :P)

Second...thanks for your concern about my reputation, so i ll go easy on you...
I've heard u like pink...so if you lose, you have to dress like this...

and your tagline..."My Broncos got shot by the mighty Colts"

So? do we have a deal Peeka?

« on: October 25, 2015, 11:01:46 AM »
A last minute wager for me and Jaynie

Colts vs Saints

plain and simple jaynie...
if i win u ll wear the

Red Sexy costume with the Hat

and if u will (;D ;D ;D) i ll wear the

sexy waiter outfit

For 3 days

My tagline will be "my Colts were stabled by Jaynies Saints"

and yours "No Saints, just Losers, goooo Colts"

We already got a deal...so game is on :D

« on: October 16, 2015, 03:51:29 PM »

OK ... play nice kids or back to your rooms!!!

so kiss and make up kids, or u ll get grounded for a week

xoxoxo MUM

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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