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Messages - mawiz1

Pages: [1]
Sia - Breath Me


(This is when you still saw her face)  8)

Introduce yourself / Re: Hi, i'm mawiz1
« on: August 02, 2014, 10:30:50 PM »
Thanks all,

I *knew* this was the right place. Kinda puts a human face on the tech that is the aChat client.

I will "knock" on the doors, break out of my comfort zone, and most importantly, have fun. :)

I started reading the stories, amazing. (I need to expand my vocab..... :)

Bye, bye

Introduce yourself / Hi, i'm mawiz1
« on: August 01, 2014, 08:56:02 PM »
Hello members!

I am a 38 year old guy. Great sense of humor, always try to smile and a good listener.  :)
Although, I do type quite a bit. (are girls shy or worried they might give too much personal info?)

Still getting the hang of it here, but already "met" with a couple of nice girls.

I had my first mini RP last night. Let me state that is way out of my normal comfort zone, but, what a great time we had!
I seem to be gravitating towards RP in a big way. I am probably not that good, yet, but it was enough to commit to more sessions.  :D

My wish would be to learn from the "masters" of RP, show me how it is done correctly.



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