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Messages - ChantalVice

Pages: [1]
Events / Re: BDSM / Kinky Saturday's in the POKER ROOM!!
« on: August 09, 2015, 01:07:37 AM »

Thanks for the Idea maybe I can hold a  Christen cruised   ::) in the poker room

If your not with them  you can Laugh at them.. ;D

What exactly is  a  Christen cruised  ? ;D ;D ;D

Share your creative ideas / Re: Poker
« on: August 08, 2015, 10:37:20 PM »
 I want a key for the poker  room so i can lock it up , can i have one ?

Groups & Families / Re: An Open Letter regarding HDSR / HDSR-U
« on: August 05, 2015, 05:49:30 PM »
HDSR is build from Amber and me. We foundet and has leaded the house. NO i dont have give HDSR in any other ones Hand. HDSR is in my eyes closed and a part of AChat history.

My meaning is : MissDee leads HDSRU

Thats is her house and so all can be happy. HDSR is closed and owend from me. HDSRU is MIssDee and i have nothing to do with it.

For me the Topic is done now.


Master Oli

  Why didnt you posted this a month ago when you created  HodP ,why didnt u made it public,here in the forum , so everybody would know .Was it just a mistake ?No , you did not because you didnt gave a shit  ,you had said bye to hdsr long time before Mistress Amber left. You told me 3 months back  that u were planning to start your own thing , either here or on some other game . Thats why you created your  own branch inside HDSR , the  VW Clan , as a first step to gather ur loyal subs ,forcing them btw to delete of their  lovers lists  the members of  hdsru (just a branch not a rival house). You didnt lead our  house   u were working constantly to  divide it ,  to spread misstrust among its members and finally , as a logical consequence  you abandoned it.
 Mistress Dee is one of the leading Masters/Mistresses of HDSR with Mistress Amber and your blessings , nobody else left exept her, so she keeps running HDSR .
 If u want the topic to be done , call back your supporters and your cheerleaders  and all will  be fine .
                                                                                                                       Chantal Vice of HDSR

you know i'd have a discussion on 'the rule of law'  with you, but i doubt you could carry your end, so i just treat you with the contempt you deserve.  people are judged by the people they associate with.
  Lol really? You playing the genius in a sex game Aussy , im so impressed. Now back to sleep :)

Groups & Families / Re: An Open Letter regarding HDSR / HDSR-U
« on: August 05, 2015, 05:13:08 PM »
HDSR is build from Amber and me. We foundet and has leaded the house. NO i dont have give HDSR in any other ones Hand. HDSR is in my eyes closed and a part of AChat history.

My meaning is : MissDee leads HDSRU

Thats is her house and so all can be happy. HDSR is closed and owend from me. HDSRU is MIssDee and i have nothing to do with it.

For me the Topic is done now.


Master Oli

  Why didnt you posted this a month ago when you created  HodP ,why didnt u made it public,here in the forum , so everybody would know .Was it just a mistake ?No , you did not because you didnt gave a shit  ,you had said bye to hdsr long time before Mistress Amber left. You told me 3 months back  that u were planning to start your own thing , either here or on some other game . Thats why you created your  own branch inside HDSR , the  VW Clan , as a first step to gather ur loyal subs ,forcing them btw to delete of their  lovers lists  the members of  hdsru (just a branch not a rival house). You didnt lead our  house   u were working constantly to  divide it ,  to spread misstrust among its members and finally , as a logical consequence  you abandoned it.
 Mistress Dee is one of the leading Masters/Mistresses of HDSR with Mistress Amber and your blessings , nobody else left exept her, so she keeps running HDSR .
 If u want the topic to be done , call back your supporters and your cheerleaders  and all will  be fine .
                                                                                                                       Chantal Vice of HDSR


Groups & Families / Re: An Open Letter regarding HDSR / HDSR-U
« on: August 04, 2015, 09:34:56 PM »
  I also have saved chats  from poker  how she  attacked so please,  stop all your   Drama and lies  you harass other  for no reason and bully them ... I am sure achat knows  about it .....so give up the lady act   we know you to well.


You are not the only one  who saves the chats  ,they might contain some other surprises , like racism for example . Goodnight all .

                                                                                                                                               Chantal Vice of HDSR

Polls / Re: Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians
« on: August 04, 2015, 07:33:42 PM »
 You have  my support too , more  poses plz

Groups & Families / Re: An Open Letter regarding HDSR / HDSR-U
« on: August 04, 2015, 04:18:18 PM »
Really its so easy to take someones work but Lover your right about Dee and her spouse is the same way Help and the main achat has been notified about her and her spouse,Dee is a very creul persom and I will give her credit she can be nice until she feels she can break you ,until now I just thought her cruel and inhumane for things she posted to me along with her address In the poker room telling me to visit and in the same breath it was guns and bulliets, I veiew that as a threaton my person but Dee is just a bag of hot air nothimg more..cudos to all who have posted on how they feel ,I hope 1 day achat will remove this paria where lil homes and people who aren't even envoled in homes  are attacked in poker rooms or subjected to rude continual sex were no poker is played because no one can chat or even play real because of their constant folding,......For all that posted your feelings about her I know the truth as even Lover stated. Im Proude of everyone who posted about the real Dee.and most of all Thank You Lover because your bout to receive more texts then you've seen seeing all TOS rule broke

 Lets tell the whole truth . You send a message to Mistress Dee trough me (because she had u on her ignore list) saying that you are gonna pay her a visit in June , you gave me even the dates ,so who is threatening who here. 
 A few words about the "3rd party" ppl who post here . Stop talking about things you have no idea about. Or at least be so kind to tell that u are preoccupied against Dee .Would be much apreciated. And about those who are oh so annoyed about the drama ,well blame those who made it public , we are not going to keep our mouths shut.
                                                                                                                                                             Chantal Vice of HDSR

Groups & Families / Re: An Open Letter regarding HDSR / HDSR-U
« on: August 03, 2015, 11:08:51 PM »
Dee I never abandoned HDSR I can not post sinse it was Amber/and I that opened it.she did the posting .You will come through Me as the origianl last co-OWNER for any members to be added

 Well well well , life is so full of surprises .
For over a month  Herr icebox was trying to steal HDSR subs telling them that he left and that he is running his own house now ,but, miracolo miracolo, as soon as Mistress Dee did some nessecary changes in our House ,  Herr icebox remebers that he never abandoned us and that he still controls it . It would be all so hilarious  if he  and his bunch of wannabee Mistresses and Masters  didnt started a whole defamation campaing against HDSR , Mistress Dee and Master Adoni .Let  me make it clear : The only reason why they are posting all those lies and bs for two days now, is hate and a desperate need for attention . They dont care about HDSR , some of them were well known enemies of hdsr and now they are claiming to be the protectors of its name and heritage . Accept the fact guys , good luck with your new house and leave us in peace .

                                                                                                                                                         Chantal Vice of HDSR

Erotic Stories / Re: The Mistress Chronicles...
« on: May 23, 2015, 06:48:24 PM »
 Great story Mistresss , cant wait to read the next one

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