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Messages - sluttyfox

Pages: [1]
Groups & Families / Re: An Open Letter regarding HDSR / HDSR-U
« on: August 04, 2015, 10:10:56 PM »
oh, and if you have a problem with anything I have said here shezawolf, bring it up with ME. 

I speak for everyone in HDSR when I say we are sick of your shit, so back off.

Groups & Families / Re: An Open Letter regarding HDSR / HDSR-U
« on: August 04, 2015, 10:05:23 PM »
also, let it be known that the House of Dark Passion is NOT part of HDSR or any of its branches, and that anything saying otherwise is a lie from shezawolf or one of her little puppets.  the reality of the situation is that she manipulated oli into taking part of HDSR, (an act going AGAINST her rules about stealing slaves) and formed this new  House of Dark Passion.  yet another act of spite meant to cause problems for HDSR.  Personally, I think it made HDSR stronger by removing the slaves who lacked loyalty to their TRUE family.  in other words, thank you shezawolf, for ridding HDSR of weakness.

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