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Messages - Caelea

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / Re: New experiences for AChat
« on: December 30, 2015, 07:45:20 AM »
So not sure if these have been raised, probably, but I'm not going to read through pages of posts to find out.  ;D

In meeting rooms it would be great to see some of these ideas added (well all would be great)

1] Realistic walk animation. Seriously, the current zombie walk is hideous. Surely it can be improved to actually look semi-human.
2] AWSD Keys enabled for movement. This is practically a staple for any 3D game these days. Let us use these for movement, we can always hit Enter or click into Chat to activate that.
3] Disable movement when in chat box. Using arrow keys when in chat still moves you, it should not.
3] Above seems to have been fixed, but badly, now it seems that if you use the Arrow keys when in chat, you can't move afterwards....
4] Tags on names to indicate if person is Homo/Bi/Hetro and also if Premium. This could reduce colds too, because people will have a better idea if they might be considered.
5] Increased Camera Control. Can we get rotation too? All we have is translation. It would be far easier to see who is nearby with a 360 degree rotation rather than being forced to clunkity walk in a circle to see.
6] Animations in room. Everywhere else we meet has them. Can we get a few. A wave, a smile, a nod, a brush off, a talk to the hand. I am sure people can think of others too
7] Orgasms during public sex. Just as we have in rooms.
8] Sit on ground/furniture. It would be great if we could sit around a chat rather than standing and looking silly.

I am sure I can add more at a later date.


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