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Messages - SexyArwen

Pages: [1]
Events / Re: Achat Angels Beauty Contest
« on: April 27, 2016, 08:35:10 AM »
Hi everyone, listed below will be the instructions for the beauty contest we're sponsoring. Start time for the contest will be 10:00am Bangkok time Saturday morning, which translates to 11:00pm eastern standard USA time Friday night. This contest will be for girls only. Girls wanting to participate in the contest, will need to give their names to myself or Sonfi, no later than 12:00am eastern standard USA time Friday ( 4/29/16 ). Names can be submitted to us personally or by informing us via messaging. Because of the outstanding response we've received for this event, & the limited number of players allowed in the meeting places, the 1st elimination round will be judged in the sex experience room. This will allow us to include as many girls as possible in the contest. This is not a nude contest & any nude contestants will be disqualified from the contest. Contest Moderator & ( 3 ) judges will be kept secret till the start of the contest, in an effort to make the contest fair for all. Contest Moderator, the ( 3 ) judges, & our photographer will be given the list of contestants at the start of the contest. It is our intention to post pictures of all the contestants, the elimination round winners, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners on the forum after the completion of the contest. Judges will score contestants using a scale of 1 - 10, if the judge's scores result in a tie between contestants, the outcome will be determined by the Moderator.

1st Round Elimination - Casual Dress to be judged in the sex experience room
Contestants will pick any casual outfit to wear, to be seen in the sex experience room.
Frontal, rear, or side poses are up to the preference of the contestants.
Pictures will be taken of all contestants.
Judges will enter sex experience room with list of contestants, search for the girls, view their picture, & pick top ( 6 ) girls ( remaining girls will be eliminated from participating in the next ( 2 ) elimination rounds ).
Scores & Names of top ( 6 ) girls will be given to contest Moderator.
Top ( 6 ) girls will be notified by the Moderator

2nd  Round Elimination - Swim suit outfits to be judged in Winter Meeting Place

Top ( 6 ) girls will change into swim suit outfits of their choice ( bra & panties will qualify as a swim suit ).
Top ( 6 ) girls will proceed to the Winter Meeting Place & greet the Moderator.
Moderator will conduct the ( 6 ) girls to the judges for pictures & viewing.
Judges will view the girls, & pick the top ( 3 ) girls ( remaining ( 3 ) girls will be eliminated from participating in the last elimination round ).
Scores & names of top ( 3 ) girls will be given to the contest Moderator.
Top ( 3 ) girls will be notified by the contest Moderator.

3rd Round Elimination - Lingerie outfits to be judged in Winter Meeting Place

Top ( 3 ) girls will change into lingerie outfits of their choice.
Top ( 3 ) girls will proceed to Winter Meeting Place & greet the Moderator.
Moderator will conduct the ( 3 ) girls to the judges for pictures & viewing.
Judges will view the girls, & according to scores given, pick 1st, 2nd, & 3d place winners.
Judge's scores will be given to the Moderator.
Girls will be notified of their status by the Moderator.
Pictures will be taken of the contest winners.
Moderator will notify the contest sponsor of the names & status of the winners.
Sponsor will award the prizes to the winners according to the judge's decisions via gift ( 1st place = 5,000 AS, 2nd place = 3,000 AS, 3rd place = 1,000 AS ).

Events / Re: Achat Angels Beauty Contest
« on: April 27, 2016, 04:20:31 AM »
Hi all, the time set for the contest has been changed ........ the contest will start 10am Bangkok time Saturday morning ..... that translates to 11pm eastern standard USA time Friday night. Sorry for the confusion with this. The number of girls wanting to participate may in fact be closer to 30, which is more than we originally anticipated, but we welcome whoever wants to participate ( girls only this time ). Because of the possible increase in interested people, the idea of submitting pics of the contestants is a good idea, & may be the way to go. I'll discuss this with Sonfi, & post the decision later. Tyvm for the interest all have shown for our event. Muronolix posted that he was asked to be a judge in the contest. Whilethis is true, he will not be a judge. Judges will be picked secretly just before the event, so the contest can be judged fairly for all. I will notify Muronolix of our choice not to have him be a judge. Once again, tyvm for your interest & we hope this event will be fun for all.

Events / Re: Achat Angels Beauty Contest
« on: April 25, 2016, 11:55:29 AM »
Hi all, this time around the contest is for women only. Contest starting time will be 22:00 USA eastern standard time . Contest will start in Winter meeting place. There will be ( 3 ) male judges, that will be chosen day of the contest, in an effort to keep it fair for all. At present, we have at least ( 15 ) beautiful girls planning to attend, & hope all will enjoy & have fun. Please feel free to contact myself or Sonfi with any further questions. May this be the 1st of many enjoyable events ............... ;D

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