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Messages - evilbae

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / Re: New experiences for AChat
« on: August 01, 2016, 10:00:16 AM »
We want your ideas for brand new experiences for AChat. Think out of the box and post what you would like to have. This thread is just for collecting ideas, like a positive brainstorming. Please dont post negavtive comments here.

Ideas can be silly, crazy, very thoughtful... as long as they improve game. Many great men are born bc least two people had a silly idea ;)

Think about combining rooms, poses, actions, clothes, interieur, backgrounds, accessories

- You want to be able to strip in room? What kind of room would be perfect? Which clothes have to be taken off in which sequence? Could it even be an own pose with own actions?

- You want a shower after sex (or prefer to shower before lol)? What's necessary to do it? What do you need to shower beside the shower... foam, sponge, brushes...

- What if there are automatically running poses or actions? You choose "romantic foreplay" and poses/actions start for a given time... you choose "wild sex" and get different poses/actions or you choose a few actions (eg 4 in a row) and they change after some time

- Weve got the speed slider and the excitement bar. What else could be useful? Also think about sounds (moaning, screaming, gasping, kiss-sounds....) or text boxes.

- What about different lights? Dimming, candles, just a small lamp in the corner...

- What if we could change colours in room? The room in general, but also walls, ceiling, floor...

These are just a few examples. In the beginning, dont ask if its possible. Just post your ideas and wishes. Also dont comment negative to added ideas ("I dont like that" "This isnt possible")... there will be enough time later to look whats possible and what we will get.

Lets have a think tank here. Even just one or two buzz phrases are ok. We are a great team and will work it out together :)

I know, together we have many funny and amazing ideas. If you think "my idea isnt the best one". Forget it. Its possible YOUR idea is THE BEST!

Everyone of us has a big wish, a dream about AChat... which is yours?

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