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Messages - Spats

Pages: [1]
YES! I just had a word with them today, with regards to the protection feature, its active in weird ways when using VPN. So as long as you just disable it it will not be an issue.

Yes I have mate, I have gotten the client and even the texture and a language pack just to check if there is any sort of version override.
But in the end nothing, I have sent a support ticket but i still felt that this warrants a post to inform people if it happens to them because this is very bizarre.

Hello everyone, I'm new around here. So new I have not been able to launch the client, let alone log in. I have tried multiple times to install, uninstall and reinstall from multiple ".exe" downloads from the site. But none have worked. The actual problem is that when I launch the client it begins the checks and it almost immediately says: New major release available! Please download and install it!

I have tried antivirus pausing, firewall blocks. tried fully uninstalling and reinstalling, nothing has worked so far.
Thank you in advance.

I have even gone to the extent of using one of my virtual machines that has a clean install of windows 7 x64 ultimate, and i get the same issue.

Edit: So there was an issue with my Internet provider's "internet safety" feature and how it interacted with my VPN,  in short disabling it solved the issue, just using a VPN did not seem to work.

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