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Messages - Sand_Man

Pages: [1]
Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Update Fail.
« on: November 30, 2016, 03:46:28 AM »
I did that and it works! Thanks Lover for all the help! I did notice the problem started after I downloaded and install the HD addon. After that is when the update fail started. I dont know if that had anything to do with it? But I think I just not install it this time.


Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Update Fail.
« on: November 29, 2016, 04:31:39 PM »
Yes Lover I still have the same problem. I have checked my anti-virus software to and made an exception for Achat. It was working fine until the about a week ago. Maybe a complete uninstall of the game and then a clean reinstall might fix the problem? I will give that a try and see if that will fix the glitch.


Share your creative ideas / Re: Room Design and Music
« on: November 29, 2016, 04:28:45 PM »
Thanks Lover! I guess I didnt scroll far enough down on the page.  :P

Share your creative ideas / Room Design and Music
« on: November 29, 2016, 02:08:11 PM »
Would it be possible to add something for building or designing your own room area? I know they have ones for outfit and pose design. As long as you have a degree in rocket science. Also music? I know about the Youtube trick but you spend a lot of time copying and pasting links when that time could be better utilized for other things. I didn't know if there was a way to maybe be able to play your own music through the game?


Got any problems running AChat? / Update Fail.
« on: November 29, 2016, 02:02:15 PM »
I am having one problem with Achat. When I first boot up the game it starts the update check. It get about half way through the gives me a error flag stating that the update has fail. If you have problems with the game restart it. I have rebooted my pc and also have done a reinstall of the game. I still get the flag? I thought maybe it was my firewall blocking some of the functionality of the game, but thats not the case? Was just wondering if anyone else was having the same problem and if there is a fix or work around for it?



Introduce yourself / Re: Hello from the Sand_Man
« on: November 29, 2016, 01:54:02 PM »
Thank you all for the out pouring of kindness. I was really starting to think they needed to change the name to RudeChat. Since my post on here it has done somewhat of a turn around. I have meet a few really awesome people that have helped me out immensely! It's just a shame that the "TURDS" have to ruin the fun for everyone. I mean truly would some guy walk up to a woman on the street in real life and act like that? Worries me now to think there would be? I just hate that because of a few ass clowns all of us males tend to get generalized into one group of, for the lack of better words, "Sex Maniac Neanderthals". But I guess like most you have said that is the times we live in. Sad. But I will soldier on and see how it goes.

Once again thank you for all the replies, and all the help. It does mean a lot!


Introduce yourself / Re: Hello from the Sand_Man
« on: November 28, 2016, 07:05:09 PM »
That is my hope to. But so far unfortunately that isnt the case. Ill give it some more time. But spending good money just to stand on a corner somewhere or get shunned in chat is not my idea of a good time.


Introduce yourself / Hello from the Sand_Man
« on: November 28, 2016, 06:16:03 PM »
I am new to the whole experience of Achat. And so far I have to say its not a very good one. I have meet some of the rudest people I have ever come across on my 51 years on this planet. Hard to meet new people and play when you get nothing but "Fuck Off's" and "Take a Hike's". Now I do understand that there are a lot of players that tend to be, let's say assholish? But if everyone stays in there own little clicks and never gives someone a chance to chat, then how on earth can you meet anyone? I have got some of the rudest responses from just saying HELLO, I ever care to get. Ok call me a bit old fashioned, but I like to chat to someone before diving right into the fuckfest. I am a polite guy, but from what I have seen on here polite is grounds for being completely gutted for speaking. Im terribly sorry if everyone on here hates, Politeness, Manners, and chatting. If that is the case maybe this game isn't for me. I came here in the hopes of finding new people and friends. For a way to explore sexuality in a safe manner. But if that means I have to become a Asshole to do it? Then I guess I will move on  down the road. Thanks for letting me rant. But if your not willing to give anyone a chance then what really is this game for?


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