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Messages - dizzy4u

Pages: [1]
Very good thoughts Pandora. Yes, I'm sure there would be details to work out. I'm just pushing the idea. I'm not a programmer, just trying to live in a better world.

I would like to see the ability to buy merchadise from the mall and select another member as a recipient for the gift... As it stands,  you can only gift A$ currency to another member... It would be so much more romantic for example, if you were able to go to your mall, select an item, like a vase of flowers and send them directly to the member of your choice... It would be a much more romantic gesture just than giving the person money and saying, here, go buy yourself some flowers... Of course, flowers is just an example. It could be clothes or property, poses. anything from the mall... I think the owners of the site would see a spike in purchases, increasing profitablity as well.

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