A-Team ask you / Re: Stolen A$
« on: December 12, 2019, 04:21:48 AM »
LMAO i don't have to. Shouldn't have to. Liars and thieves thats who you guys defend...pathetic
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A-Team ask you / Re: Stolen A$« on: December 12, 2019, 04:21:48 AM »
LMAO i don't have to. Shouldn't have to. Liars and thieves thats who you guys defend...pathetic
Woman with man in AChat / Re: This is how people treat each other and its garbage...Michelle989« on: November 19, 2019, 06:56:35 PM »
Here's one for the moderators, Michelle herself discussing selling herself for sex which is strictly against the TOS
http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,3700.msg165360.html#msg165360 Odd isnt it 3
Woman with man in AChat / Re: This is how people treat each other and its garbage...Michelle989« on: November 19, 2019, 06:22:58 PM »
Now Ive been told by Michelle she has responded to the moderators. Well let me say this, I have done nothing wrong, I shared my story. If its not to her liking it might come down? Funny I thought this is where we get to share our stories? So if I see a post I don't like will I be afforded the same courtesy? Since I am a paying member and not begging for A$ like alot of others? I wonder if the moderators will do something about that since it actually is against the TOS...oh let me add she also says she has things in real life to worry about, funny that my time and my real life didnt seem to matter here.
![]() 4
Woman with man in AChat / Re: This is how people treat each other and its garbage...Michelle989« on: November 19, 2019, 04:45:43 PM »
AS I am hearing from others it seems I am not the only one Michelle has done something like this to. Apparently she does this to alot of people. No surprise.
Group play in AChat / trash« on: November 19, 2019, 03:51:32 PM »
Woman with man in AChat / Re: This is how people treat each other and its garbage...Michelle989« on: November 19, 2019, 03:41:46 PM »
Here is the proof she is LIES about ever having a threesome having bought poses for it somehow she will be honored for her actions though lol
http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,3700.msg165360.html#msg165360 7
Woman with man in AChat / Re: This is how people treat each other and its garbage...Michelle989« on: November 19, 2019, 03:24:44 PM »
Michelle989: ok I am sorry, it was your initial reaction thats all 14:42 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: fuck you ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,5006.0.html Michelle989: whats that supposed to mean? 14:43 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: well fuck you is pretty plain english since your bullshit threesome is over now and the link is to the forums genuis ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i posted our whole conversation 14:44 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I cant help it if I see someone I like is here first ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: here first? hey dumbfuck you made plans with me at a certain time remember ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: and i was very very very kind to you Michelle989: It was never definate! ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: LMAO you came back on quickly to make sure i knew the right time Michelle989: but I am learning what you are really like now 14:45 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: remember ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: no i learned what youre really like ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: dont deflect own it ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: my time is valuable ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: so is yours ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: so is everyone elses Michelle989: I didnt want to not include, Jess asked if she could watch 14:46 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: dont make plans with someone then pull this garbage cuz thats what it was you came back online to tell me ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: but did you think to ask me ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: no Michelle989: I asked you and got your reaction ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: you just told me ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: and then said ill talk to you later cuz i said no thank you Michelle989: TOTALLY UNREASONABLE REACTION ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: my reaction was ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: No thank you to her joining us that is not unreasonable 14:47 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I thought you were nice and I am wrong about that ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: no youre wrong i am nice you totally fail to see your fault ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i was VERY VERY NICE TO YOU Michelle989: its simply your reaction was so rude thats all ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: I didnt pull this on you and it wasnt unreasonable to say no thank you to having someone join us 14:48 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: saying no thank you isnt rude ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: goddamn ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i was even polite about that ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: until you said ill talk to you later ditching me after making plans with me ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: but she was here first lmao 14:49 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i save all the logs for this very reason Michelle989: perhaps I could have handled it better, most guys wouldnt have reacted the way you did ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: saying no thank you? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: reacting by polite you mean? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: only becoming upset when you tell me to basically fuck off for someone you didnt have plans with Michelle989: well I have learnt that you really are not a person I would like to have a relationship with 14:50 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: hahahaha ummm i decided that as soon as you ditched me and broke our plans being a selfish rude lying individual Michelle989: I will look at the forum and respond ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: im sure you will and i will respond in kind with this chat 14:51 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Youre simply not seeing that I REACTED with a simple no thank you to having someone join us....nothing wrong whatsoever with that ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: then you ignore me and then come back after your im sure laughable threesome was over saying you were wrong lol ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: but now i still am lol Michelle989: well if you feel like that, that I am that person then fine, from what you said yesterday sex wasnt the number one thing 14:52 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: that literally makes no sense. no matter what we were going to do, i still didnt deserve what i got Michelle989: As sex is the numberone thing I was going to say I will meet you tomaorrow and do everything with you to pay you back 14:53 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: meet her tomorrow ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: YOU MADE PLANS WITH ME NOT HER I TOOK TIME OUT OF MY DAY FOR THIS 14:54 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: maybe i just wanted to talk to you ever think about that? maybe i wanted to get to know you even better. maybe i thought VERY HIGHLY of you which i did Michelle989: I did think it was set in concrete! ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: maybe i had something personal i wanted to talk with youabout and in fact THIS WAS YOUR IDEA ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: you came back on to tell me remember? to make sure i knew what time ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: its not rocket science 14:55 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: you fucked me over plain and simple and you know it ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: and it hurts Michelle989: yes, sometimes plans change when you come on 14:56 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: look can we discuss through email? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: no they dont, not if that person means something to you which apparently i dont mean shit to you ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: why email? Michelle989: as I have used up my time today ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: wha do you mean used up your time? 14:57 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I dont have much time now, my last day at work ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: do you know, do you even care how hurt i am over this? Michelle989: well I work in 1/2 hour ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: yeah you were supposed to be at work hours ago thats why you said you had to go ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: last night Michelle989: of course I do Michelle989: look I can write emails at work on my phone ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: you do? if you did you wouldnt have done it you damn well knew we had plans so why 14:58 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: your just gonna get on your alt so why bother ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: my day is ruined so who cares right? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: do you know how much i was looking forward to this, having thought you were soooooooooo different than everyone else 14:59 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: and thats why I said as sex is the most important thing we can meet again and I will stick to it ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: no sex isnt the most important thing ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: feelings, emotions, connection those are Michelle989: I really didnt understand it was so important too you 15:00 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: maybe you would have had you just stuckwith the plans cuz then i was going to tell just how special how i thought you were Michelle989: and this has helped, you misunderstood me completely ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: how Michelle989: Jess asked me "oh can I watch" and I didnt think! ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: accepting me for how i am? did i misunderstand that? Michelle989: I thought it was strange too 15:01 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: but you cant have a third in the room and they just watch ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: strange yet you went with it Michelle989: I havnt been in a 3 person thing, same isnt it? Michelle989: coffee table? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: you didnt even ask me just told me then when i politely said no thank you, you tell me to fuck off basically 15:02 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: coffee table? what are you talking about Michelle989: did I use that term? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: like 10 seconds ago yes Michelle989: only when I got the reaction I got ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: what reaction michelle? 15:03 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: to which part? you saying someone was gonna join us or the reaction to you breaking our plans for nothing Michelle989: I will have to look at the log....if I knew how to ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: cuz your friends are important to you Michelle989: they are important to me ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: ill show you hell you can do it right now ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: but i wasnt ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: important to you ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: not at that moment Michelle989: Jess is new, but still known her for a month ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: when ive been very very kind 15:04 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: she appeared first ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: but you had plans with me ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: at 2pm remember? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: came back on after we talked last night to specifically tell me the new time 15:05 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: yes you are right, but you also said the sex thing wasnt a priority ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: no thats not what i said but even still how does that justify you breaking our plans? Michelle989: look I'm not that good at technology ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: tech has zero to do with being an honorable person Michelle 15:06 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: imagine had i done this to you Michelle989: it doesnt I guess, I'm just not good a saying the right thing ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: first i never could its not who i am Michelle989: I never said I was a perfect person ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: the right thing would have been to tell her a different time sorry i had plans with him 15:07 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: neither am i nor is anyone else perfect ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: but you dont shit on one friend, especially someone who didnt treat you like shit ever Michelle989: I was already in a serious conversation with her, that I didnt want to leave ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: serious? to have a threesome? lol cmon Michelle989: it was your reaction to it all that affected me 15:08 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: even still you still had plans and my reaction was no thank to her joining us Michelle989: yes it was silly of me Michelle989: what can I say Michelle989: not perfect by a long shot I know ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: look most people wouldnt even be doing what youre doing right now so i give you that much 15:09 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: being here talking to me Michelle989: I said we can cool down and maybe meet tomorrow ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: and thats one reason i thought so much of you Michelle989: AND AS ITS SO IMPORTANT AN I KNOW NOW IT IS! ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: you never said that until we got to this room Michelle989: I wont meet anyone else 15:10 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: maybe i cant tomorrow maybe i dont play second fiddle ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: cuz i have a feeling youre just gonna get on your alt and go fuck whoever with jess and her alt after we leave this room Michelle989: well I have done my best to amend my unreasonable behaviour ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i know how this shit is done, far too seasoned to not know 15:11 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: you have? your best would be to just well i cant tell you what it is you have to find that in yourself Michelle989: perhaps you could at least add that to your nasty postings you put degrading me ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: ill add all of this if itll make you happy i have nothing to hide michelle ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: never 15:12 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: you obviously hate me now ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i didnt degrade you, you thought of me as nothing whats that say about me ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: no i dont hate you ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: if i did i wouldnt be here ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i try not to have hate in my heart for anyone Michelle989: I said I am sorry, noway do I want 3 way sex Michelle989: or what ever it is ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: cuz you already had it and its not what i want anyways 15:13 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i wanted you Michelle989: I understand now, not clear before I am sorry Michelle989: I am also sorry we both wasted today! 15:14 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i didnt waste today Michelle ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: how many times have i told you i couldnt wait to meet you? Michelle989: So all I can say is sorry, I hope I dont sleep in tomaorrow and miss a second chance ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i even said it last night, after meeting you that you were everything i thought you were and then some 15:15 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: BUT IT CAN HAPPEN ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: its now or never honestly. i wont put myself in this position again. i cant ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: and besides i wont be around tomorrow 15:16 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I am sorry I cant now I have my last two days at work Michelle989: and I start work in 15 minutes ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: you told me that last night, that it was your last day of work not days thats why you picked the time ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: cuz then you were off and done with work Michelle989: I may have to work Thursday too Michelle989: not sure 15:17 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: real life is like that ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: if you had to work, why make plans with me at all ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: cuz you told me somehtig very different last night Michelle989: I had an hour Michelle989: I actually had more as I woke at 3am 15:18 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: yeah i saw you were in a room for quite a few hours after coming back on "quickly' to tell me a time ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: even told you how adorable you were in an offline msg, didnt even get a reply to that Michelle989: anyway I have done what I can......I was in Amsterdam with Jess dancing 15:19 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: topless Tuesday ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: so? i paged you and only came out when i came there Michelle989: anyway I have to go ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: no you dont youre gonna fuck me over again Michelle989: its ok you clearly hate me ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: im not stupid 15:20 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: no you clearly have no respect for me is what it is Michelle989: please yourself ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: wow ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: classy Michelle989: ? 15:21 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I have explained myself as best I can ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: you tell me to please myself and just leave lol so i said wow classy ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: not really and you say your friends matter but they dont ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: well maybe some of them but i aint one of those was i Michelle989: clearly we are not suited anyway ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: otherwise we wouldnt bbe having this talk. Michelle989: bye bye ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: yeah we were 15:22 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: youre no different than anyone else around her ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: here Michelle989: I gues not ![]() 8
Woman with man in AChat / This is how people treat each other and its garbage...Michelle989« on: November 19, 2019, 02:42:03 PM »
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: how are you? i hope youre doin better than last we talked you kinda went sideways on me babe
4:09 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: ? did i do somethin to you that you wont even talk to me? 4:12 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: sorry bit busy answrring mail 4:14 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Well Im glad youre not mad at me, I had a great time and I thought you did too and I was looking forward to getting to know you more ![]() 4:18 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: sorry shaved, 28 messages here ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Please, call me Greg. I can only imagine how bad you ladies get swamped with offline msgs, its why I don't send many 4:20 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: Thats ok Greg, I remember you telling me your name now, I just got to asociate Greg with ShavdNuttz now ![]() ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: lol Id rather it be associated with a fun time but ill take what i can get haha 4:22 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I'm really only here now to do a bit of shopping and stuff ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: thats ok, i was just sayin hi 4:24 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: sometime soon would be nice ![]() ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Hun your msg to willow came to me lol ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: umm lol idk when 4am is here for you lemme check quick 4:25 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: oh nuisence ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: what time is it there now? Michelle989: never mind I will find her soon Michelle989: 6:25pm 4:26 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I was thinking of topless Tuesday...have they fixed Amsterdam yet? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: so in about 9hrs or so give or take...yes i think i can do that. Idk I hardly ever go to city ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: too much drama lol 4:27 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: oh you should make friends, its not all fucking i like the social too 4:28 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: I do and I know its not. Id just rather play poker than stand around in city though. Besides there's quite a few people that go there that I just can't stomach. 4:29 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: fair enough ![]() ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Like you, I wasnt saying hi earlier to try and fuck you, I was just sayin hi hun i really enjoyed talking to you same as i enjoyed fucking you ![]() 4:30 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: ![]() 4:31 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Good. Ill be honest though, it is nice having a friend who can both hold a decent solid conversation and can fuck real good 4:32 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: haha, you know I am shopping, trying to find something nice to wear ![]() 4:33 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Lol I apologize Ill leave you to it. Im sure youll look smashing as you always do. ![]() Michelle989: you can always help me pick something nice ![]() 4:34 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Oh I can? That would be great but you should log out quick and log back in, I sent a gift thats not gonna show idk why but city isnt all thats broke right now Michelle989: did you I didnt see ![]() 4:35 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i know, you wont until you log out quick and log back in. its been a problem all day apparently 4:36 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: How do I get to help? Just let me know and im all about it, flattered you would want me to Michelle989: oh I see so sweet and I believe you, but the fact remains that when I wake up early morning I am usually in bed, its just better cause I do take all this seriously you know 4:38 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: As do i. Im just curious how that applies here lol im kinda confused I thought i was just helping pick out something to wear right now ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i gifted you just to gift you, you dont owe me anything... Michelle989: I remember you as being a sweet man Greg, its just your username is a bit misleading really 4:39 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: and thats the way it should be. Kisses genuinely from me to you ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Misleading? lol they arent hairy as you well know lol but honestly i been thinkn about changing it but if i do i lose all friends and lovers, id have to write all you and let you know etc etc 4:40 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I can accept you the way you are Greg ![]() ![]() ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: mmmm kisses received and sent back 4:41 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: that means more to me than you could ever know Michelle thank you so much for that Michelle989: I simply cant find the suspenders I know are there! 4:42 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: ![]() 4:43 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: oh found them, I already have the Black ones these are kind of brown, goes well with my green dress ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: ok nice, id be happy to look you over, give you an honest opinion on how it all looks ![]() 4:44 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: oh bugger transactions arnt working ![]() ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: see i told ya lol it will just dont buy it twice Michelle989: same probs as you I think ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: trust me 4:45 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: log out quick, log back in, itll be there and so will my gift 4:47 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: look I really only have 10 mins right now can I invite you for a dance, but only a dance ![]() 4:48 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: honey, idk why you think you feel the need to say that, i dont wanna have sex, i dont want you to feel like you owe me...we are just talking 4:50 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: if you want to invite me to check out your outfit you were shopping for thats cool, if you wanna dance quick thats fine too but i honestly was saying hi to say hi babe. Michelle989: I can come and chat now if you want? 4:51 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: if you want, thats fine how about you take me to your place Michelle989: ok ![]() 4:52 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: hi again Greg ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Oh you got this place? Nice its my next buy ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Hi Michelle ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: lets sit ok? Michelle989: I remember your picture ![]() ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: lol Michelle989: ok 4:53 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i woulda danced too, i like dancing lol ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: My picture? Michelle989: it was nice the other day Greg ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Well Im real glad you enjoyed it,, I had a wonderful time Michelle989: wish I had time now, Jane is cooking me dinner ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Its ok babe I wasnt looking for anything honestly 4:54 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I love my Achat life of no real committment ![]() ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: just sayin hi and hope you were doin better cuz you got a little sideways like i said and thats cool it happens ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: hahaha most do Michelle989: have you changed your hair Greg? 4:55 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: looks nice ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Honestly after doin it for awhile, id much rather have the commitement. easier to maintain lol yes i always change it thank you ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: you look fantastic as you always do, one of the prettiest on here ![]() Michelle989: oh really like you want to meet me in real? 4:56 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: hahaha I didnt say that but i wouldnt be opposed either. Michelle989: Achat god has been kind ![]() ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Youve been kind, to me, and i thank you for that ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Cheers 4:57 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: although you can change the way you look here to reflect how you are ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: right, kind of how ones mood is i suppose Michelle989: like my hair...imagine it being blonder ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: I imagine youre quite attractive in real Michelle 4:58 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: how about trying to find me early in the morning Michelle989: I always take a towel to my room for the morning ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Of course, I would definitely look for you if thats what you wanted. I really do enjoy any time with you Michelle989: to sit on 4:59 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: hahahaha ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: you might have to show me sometime ![]() Michelle989: I would love sex if I was the person that holds me back ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: how so? Michelle989: something? 5:00 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: shy I told you ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: oh yes I remember. Well you certainly didnt seem to shy when we had sex, quite hungry you were as I remember lol Michelle989: I am awkward in real Michelle989: mmmr 5:01 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: awkward just usually means adorable Michelle989: yes prob right Michelle989: I have mood swings in real ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: lol you do here too, you had one on me at the end Michelle989: I am on the contraceptive pill now to see if it helps with that 5:02 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: did I? why? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: well for your health and well being i hope it works cuz youre a wonderful lady Michelle989: thank you ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: umm no reason honestly you just went sideways on me then you got better Michelle989: sideways? 5:03 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: sideways is a polite way of sayin screwy lol Michelle989: look when I am sleepy in the morny I will be much better ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: but all is good we came out just fine ![]() 5:04 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: its all ok babe just relax ok? i dont hold anything against you, well ill hold me against you but thats it lol Michelle989: thats good, look I had better see Jane, I leave Exmouth on Friday and I need to chat to her, she has made my dinner again ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Like I told you, I had been wanting to meet you when we first talked remember? You were everything I thought you would be 5:05 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I am so happy you like me Greg, I see that you are a very decent guy ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Thats cool, please, dont feel like you have to avoid me or anything though. i think it made us closer, we came out of it just fine. And i really want to see more of you 5:06 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: me too ![]() ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Thank you Michelle I am who I am, youre a decent sweet lady and you make it easy. Very much enjoy you 5:07 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I never avoid ppl, sometimes everyone chats thats all two many friends here, 28 messages when I came on tonight ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Quick kiss goodbye until morning my dear Michelle989: look if I over sleep I am sorry ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: lol its ok dont worry about a thing i got you girl Michelle989: technically it is my last day working and I start work at 5:30am 5:08 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I may go in Thursday dont know yet Michelle989: then a 1200km drive friday ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Well if you ever want to have someone to hold you all night, you know how to find me. I love sleeping here and would love to with you. Michelle989: down to Perth 5:09 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Well you be safe on your drive. Did your dad get your car fixed? Michelle989: haha Lucio does that with Rouge Michelle989: tc now I better shoot 5:10 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: kisses Greg ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Ok hot stuff ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: kisses babe Michelle989: may see you in the morning before AI get out of bed ![]() ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: I look forward to it Michelle989: bye bye ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: bye 5:11 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: cute profile pose ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Yours? Lol I was just thinkin how great your butt looked ![]() 5:12 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: so just remind me what time it will be at 4am my time at your end ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: its what almost 7pm there now? Michelle989: dont want you to stay up ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Im always up but for you Id stay up till the end of time Michelle989: is it a good time for you to be "real" ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Honey Im always real 5:13 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: so important! Michelle989: yes but mood is important ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: yes it is, and since ill be meeting you ill be in a great mood 5:14 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: when I cum I do cum, dont get me wrong I have faked it, but very rarely ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: youre 10 hrs ahead of me so itll be wayyy early for me hun so dont worry about that ok. itll be like 6pm here Michelle989: so hope the pill works eventually ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i know you told me, you didnt fake it the first time love Michelle989: where are you again? 5:15 AM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: I live in America the Midwest Michelle989: middle of the Atlantic? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: but where am i really? In your thoughts ![]() Michelle989: then what time is it now? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: no not the middle of the atlantic silly hahaha...it is 5:15am right now 5:16 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: oh I had forgotten sorry Michelle989: 12 hours diff makes complete sense now, my brother lives in NY you see ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: it is ok i didnt tell you before anyways. so no i wont have to worry about staying up babe 6pm is very manageable 5:17 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: ok ![]() ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: yes, you and I are 10hrs apart and he would be an hour later than me he is on EST I am on Cst ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Ok sexy Ill see you later lots of kisses bye Michelle989: bye 6:03 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: Thank you Greg for your kind gift ![]() 6:05 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: so 4am will be 2pm I guess ![]() 6:16 AM 11/19/2019 Kissmedeeply: hi x 14:09 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: see you upstairs? jess25: ooooo got butterflys 14:10 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i know you werent talking to me were you? Michelle989: I am 14:11 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: when you said see you upstairs? 14:12 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I was talking to Jess in Amsters, she wants to join us to Michelle989: she is new Michelle989: and a good friend Michelle989: it may only be chatting 14:13 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: How can she be a good friend already if she is new? And no Id rather not have anyone join us thank you though 14:14 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I only suggested it cause it would be rude to leave her alone, we can meet another time ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: It would be rude to leave me after making plans with me ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: My time is valuable as is yours. Is thishow youre going to repay my kindness? 14:15 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: She is new? Id say I was a better friend having known you longer and this is what youre going to do?? Michelle989: I was just trying to be fair, my friends are important too me ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: am i not your friend? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: guess im not as important as someone new 14:16 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Youre not being fair to me whatsoever Michelle989: Look I will talk later I just didnt want to leave you out, thats all ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: having made plans telling me a time then not asking me if it was ok to invite som 14:17 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: youre going to tell me later and go stick with her? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Thats fine, Ill post this bullshit all over the place. Youre not the sweet person I thought you were. Like who the fuck do you think you are? 14:18 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: I did nothing but be kind and generous and patient ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: this is how you show your appreciation... Michelle989: So rude! consider yourself blocked ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: im rude lol ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: look at what youre doing to me yet im rude 14:19 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: you think blocking me is gonna hurt me since youre willing to tell me to fuck off basically for someone "new" Michelle989: Sorry, you are on my ignore list... 9
Introduce yourself / Re: In my real life I'm a shy Australian Girl 30 years old my real name is also Mich« on: November 19, 2019, 02:38:41 PM »
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: but where am i really? In your thoughts
![]() Michelle989: then what time is it now? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: no not the middle of the atlantic silly hahaha...it is 5:15am right now 5:16 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: oh I had forgotten sorry Michelle989: 12 hours diff makes complete sense now, my brother lives in NY you see ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: it is ok i didnt tell you before anyways. so no i wont have to worry about staying up babe 6pm is very manageable 5:17 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: ok ![]() ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: yes, you and I are 10hrs apart and he would be an hour later than me he is on EST I am on Cst ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Ok sexy Ill see you later lots of kisses bye Michelle989: bye 6:03 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: Thank you Greg for your kind gift ![]() 6:05 AM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: so 4am will be 2pm I guess ![]() 6:16 AM 11/19/2019 Kissmedeeply: hi x 14:09 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: see you upstairs? jess25: ooooo got butterflys 14:10 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i know you werent talking to me were you? Michelle989: I am 14:11 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: when you said see you upstairs? 14:12 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I was talking to Jess in Amsters, she wants to join us to Michelle989: she is new Michelle989: and a good friend Michelle989: it may only be chatting 14:13 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: How can she be a good friend already if she is new? And no Id rather not have anyone join us thank you though 14:14 PM 11/19/2019 Michelle989: I only suggested it cause it would be rude to leave her alone, we can meet another time ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: It would be rude to leave me after making plans with me ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: My time is valuable as is yours. Is thishow youre going to repay my kindness? 14:15 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: She is new? Id say I was a better friend having known you longer and this is what youre going to do?? Michelle989: I was just trying to be fair, my friends are important too me ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: am i not your friend? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: guess im not as important as someone new 14:16 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Youre not being fair to me whatsoever Michelle989: Look I will talk later I just didnt want to leave you out, thats all ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: having made plans telling me a time then not asking me if it was ok to invite som 14:17 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: youre going to tell me later and go stick with her? ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Thats fine, Ill post this bullshit all over the place. Youre not the sweet person I thought you were. Like who the fuck do you think you are? 14:18 PM 11/19/2019 ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: I did nothing but be kind and generous and patient ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: this is how you show your appreciation... Michelle989: So rude! consider yourself blocked ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: im rude lol ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: look at what youre doing to me yet im rude 10
A-Team ask you / Stolen A$« on: May 23, 2019, 10:06:01 PM »
Is there anything that can be done for someone who agreed to do something for A$ and they just took off with it? With a copy of the whole conversation.
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