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Messages - MafiaQueen

Pages: [1]
Hey lovely admins of ACHAT! I have been to many other games like yareel, mnf, and so many others BUT YOU GUYS HAVE THE BEST GRAPHICS! thanks to you all! Btw, I would really request you on three things:

1. taking computer or laptop to lie down on bed and play it is hard in this modern time. Please give an Android or IOS version too?

2. the dress designs are kinda old and outdated, I expect some sexy new designs to come for modern days Please activate the dress designing option again darlings. If needed, disable the option to download real money from the game for making new designs and instead, gift the share of revenue to us in A$ only?

3. we need some foursome orgies too, there are party loving women too you know hihhi

Just fix these three and trust me your game will get way better than ever!
Hope you all are fine during this corona year.
<3 I have already sent a mail to your support email on this too. <3

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