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Messages - Clara

Pages: [1]
Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Problem taking photo
« on: December 22, 2009, 04:57:39 AM »
Yes, I logged in, changed what was visible of me in the lighter frame that is visible when hovering over the "Take photo" icon and then took the photo. Instead of the picture "MISSING      CHARACTER EDITOR     PICTURE" is displayed.

Got any problems running AChat? / Problem taking photo
« on: December 22, 2009, 04:38:58 AM »
I seem to have a problem with taking a photo of my avatar. If I click on the "Take photo" icon, the picture under "Your character" changes to "MISSING      CHARACTER EDITOR     PICTURE". Saving and logging out and back in don't do anything either.

What am I doing wrong?



Pages: [1]