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Messages - marvell2003

Pages: [1] 2
Share your creative ideas / Re: new rooms
« on: April 15, 2010, 09:30:55 PM »
I agree this will be great. And finally we can spend our A$ for a drinks  ;D

Share your creative ideas / Re: sms payment?
« on: April 06, 2010, 11:41:32 AM »
The fees for sms payments are between 60-80%. So for every dollar you pay through sms, achat gets 40c-20c.

You right. Cell phone operators have a huge fees. But if players will be agree to pay it, this way can be implemented in future.

Share your creative ideas / Re: About A$
« on: April 06, 2010, 11:38:45 AM »
Hello, in my opinion it would be great if in game would be another way to get A$ not just for payment.

P.S. sorry of mistake

This way exists. You can receive A$ gift (if you're girl).  ;)

I'm in Thailand...
I love this game...
I want to buy something in shop...
Ask someone to make a gift to you.

But I don't have credit card!!
Maybe it's time to get one?

How can I fill my money in game??
Try to use e-currency Webmoney Transfer. You can register for free at http://www.wmtransfer.com (http://www.wmtransfer.com). Then go to http://www.wmtransfer.com/eng/addfunds/banking.shtml (http://www.wmtransfer.com/eng/addfunds/banking.shtml) and read instruction how to fill up your e-purse with the money. I think it possible to you make a bank wire transfer.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Общение
« on: March 09, 2010, 12:49:02 PM »
You are able to! Just mark and use "Strg + C". Then you can use translator. The problem may be to get special signs, but this I dont know. And from online-translator just copy and paste. It works.

Is there somebody who can translate? I will use translator, but sometimes it translates shit ;)
I can. And you right: online translator often distorts the meaning of the text.

through achatpayment.com!  i dont know if it works with ccbill!
I not think so. As I know CCBill don't work with virtual or electron cards.

Visa Electron works!!! ;)   at least it did for me!
Did you pay through achatpayment.com? Or CCBill?

Share your creative ideas / Re: Общение
« on: March 07, 2010, 03:57:40 PM »
Здравствуйте,было бы неплохо,если бы можно было в окно сообщений вставлять текст из буфера обмена.Тогда бы при помощи on-line переводчика можно было бы точнее выразить свою мысль.Спасибо.
На этом форуме общаются по-английски. Я переведу это сообщение, а дальше уже сам.

To all forum users - an english translation:
It would be nice if we could in the message box paste text from clipboard. Then we can using on-line translators and be more accurately express our thoughts.

Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Question about privacy
« on: February 21, 2010, 05:31:51 AM »
Thanks for the answer!:)   but I payed through Liqpay;is it the same?!
If you payed through Liqpay the money destination is PrivatBank (the owner of LiqPay system). But the comment with the payment is "AChat premium subscription". If your friend has access to you bank account transaction history then he will see this description. But as I know that information is highly confidential and not all bank employees have access to it.

You can contact achatpayment customer support and ask change payment description for your future payments.

Which is the fastest and easiest way to pay for nonUS citizens? credit card?
Yes bank card is easy way.

how long does it take for them to authorize the purchase?
Immediately after successful authorization.

In this context I´ve got a question to the administrators:
Isn´t it possible to establish paypal? I know many people who don´t want to use credit card or unknown systems. Paypal ist well known, well accepted and I think the dues are not higher than other methods.
But I think that you can reach more premium members so. This will help you. This will help us. This will help us all.

Lover loves you
I'm not an administrator but I would venture to answer. The PayPal rules prohibit adult content in any ways.  If you afraid what your card data will be stolen by "not well known" payment processor you always can use a "virtual" cards (as I know, achatpayment and liqpay accepts all Visa/MC cards except electronic).

I couldent make it work
What's happend?

so I was thinking of taking a Mastercard or a Visa Electron card(does this work?)! 
Could somebody please describe to me how to become a premium using a credit card in detail, step by step?!
Thank you!
Electronic cards (Visa Electron or MasterCard Electronic) - doesn't work. You need classic card (Visa classic, Mastercard) or virtual card (Mastercard virtual - 100% works, Visa virtual - don't checked yet, but chance is good).

You can pay by card two ways.
1. Through CCBill service (they don't accepts virtual cards, and may reject you classic card without any explaination)
2. Through AChatPayment system (press "LiqPay or Webmoney" button when you choose payment method). For this system you will need a cell phone and card registered in same country. On payment website select "Visa/MasterCard" and follow instructions.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Undressing
« on: January 31, 2010, 11:35:18 AM »
then the GUI of the character editor should appear in the room... how do you imagine that?
Maybe it should looks like in 3D Sex Villa. It can be a context menu with items such as "Remove Top", "Remove bra", "Remove panties" and others (with the Dress on items too).

Share your creative ideas / Re: Undressing
« on: January 31, 2010, 10:13:42 AM »
undressing animation depends on clothing, so is not planned at the moment, I am sorry...

I see.
Then how difficult it is to add the ability to choose the thing to remove / dress without animation but in any pose?

Yes. You can if your bank supports wire transfers.
To do this you need do some easy steps:

1. Go to the http://www.wmtransfer.com (http://www.wmtransfer.com)
2. Sign up to the Webmoney Transfer system (it's free). Choose the Keeper Light registration type (the better for novice)
3. Login into your account.
4. Create WMZ (US dollars) or WME (Euro) purse. Print out "Purse Servicing Agreement" (will appear at purse creating) and press an "Agree" button.
5. Then invoke your new purse menu (button on the right side) and select "Add funds".
6. You will receive instructions how to add funds in your purse (USD or Euro).
7. Add required amount of funds in your purse. Login to this site, select "LiqPay or Webmoney" method and you can become a premium member by webmoney.

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