How about a massage pose for mf?Either by adding oil to the gentle 4play, or using a tantric/body2body options.
The dance should feature some more nice figures or spins, just to fool around. Maybe you can offer a gentlemans' or dancing course update 4 that?

Further notes on this in the suggestions 4 rooms.
Foreplay for 3somes!Considering the ffm options, there should also be some sort of 4play. From a mans point of view only, I would recommend:
- Share some champagne, once you bought the corresponding item for your room!
- Call me old fashioned, but I would care for a 3some dance to break the ice. Should feature a litte more options than the couple dance, though. How that could work out? Maybe like this:
- Some massage options with a swap button
- A sexy pillow fight between the girls
- fancy games in the hot tub - also availble along with the corresponding room update
- why not having a common shower?
All these ideas come from the mind of a man, thus I strongly recommend, nay beg those ladies here enjoying the company of a beautiful woman as well, to please correct, adjust, and recommend further poses. Only then, all of us may have fun in equal measure.

Kind regards: