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: News for Sunday  ( 6020 )
: 47

« : December 01, 2009, 05:06:46 PM »

News: More Money for the girls.

I compleatly agree with the news. We gilrs do need a lot more money. We have to buy fancy cloths only to get them stipped by you guys. And the smaller the cloths the more expensive they are.

So this good news.

And the others: Yes no more stupid guys trying to get you as a girl and if you tell them: no girls, die change in to a guy within a second, not mentioning that this can be tracked . lol

Yes guys should be able to pay for us (as we need more money) lol

So all in all, that all sounds great
Jr. Member
: 72

« #1 : December 02, 2009, 08:02:59 AM »

All of this is good news, indeed, except: why should only girls get gifts? We guys might deserve to get them also. And what about gay guys? This means they'll never be able to make gifts to each other.
I'm not complaining; it's true that after a little while, we often have more A$ than we need. But if it stayed as planned, this might seem rather unfair, not to say sexist from a certain point of view.

« #2 : December 02, 2009, 03:58:55 PM »

So why no $A gifting for guys?

But...you girls don't have to buy *everything* you know  ;)
Jr. Member
: 97

« #3 : December 02, 2009, 08:40:57 PM »

sorry but NO AGAIN!!!

why my real money can buy less A$ if I'm a man in game???

do you need more balance in the economy of the game???

make possible make gifts TO EVERYONE FROM EVERYONE
Change the cost of some female options and return at the premium users that have buyed it the A$

any suggest about more options??
more tatoos, more hairstyles, more chloths and accessories, MORE SEX SCENES and expecially MORE BODY (MUSCLES, DICK, SCARS) OPTIONS!!!!!!!

promote differences between guys and gals is a distructive way, I don't want it.

One other question about economy... (I'll copy this part of my post in the other, right tread)

with the fixed sex the premium users that have buyer male and female options  from the same accounts after the sex and name fixing cannot use a part of it... WHY!!!!????
when they have buyed the premium account they haven't limitations, now the rules changing... I hate the games where the rules change during the game.

if anyone ask about, I haven't buyed female options, things or poses, I only hate the discriminations and the rules changing during the play.

probably no one will do it, but in the economy changes there are some extremes to begin a legal actions against the chat policy about pricing (and maybe in the sex fix too...)

Oh a last thing...

In my country give money isn't a present, is a payment... I give money to a whore not at my girlfriend... I prefere to give gift like shoes, cloths, accessories or so on instead money...
« : December 02, 2009, 09:19:02 PM Willyco »

(you can see... my preferred language is the italian, sorry for my bad english  ;-)
Full Member
: 188

« #4 : December 03, 2009, 08:41:38 AM »

  Money;is not important,only their number. Girls, don't sex with them , sex with me.  ;)  :-*
: 47

« #5 : December 03, 2009, 11:42:17 AM »

nobody can have sex with you dannyello, as nowbody knows where you are, it was interessting how you paniced when you thought that your real login name maybe made public.

Jr. Member
: 51

« #6 : December 11, 2009, 10:33:38 AM »

I love gifts MMM but I think that gifts should be left up to the giver

SO yes I like this option, But is it for real or just talk?

I would give gifts to a couple members here, but has nothing to do with money LOL

Just be a friend and be nice to me

I make my own Money and need no gifts :)
but i will not turn them down LMAO

Your petite Achatter

Sandy Spinner

SandySpinner- Made with help of Robot boy/girl-soon u
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