No special fonts, pretty colors or personalized formatting

that which I once mastered has been taken away, lost in the river of time.
V... your post along with Cassi's, beautiful n touching, compelling me to share. I hope you don't mind me posting along side yours. You can PM in on our other world

if you would prefer I don't. Will happily relocate to a thread of my own... if I can remember how.

Coincidence? Irony? My last words to echo in these forum halls approaching a year ago… hearing of Woody’s passing… compelling me to revive my deleted self for a single post. Share thoughts, feelings n memories of a spirit that touched my life.
Here I am again, back from the missing, for another post… another loss. Another friend, long gone. Sarah, you will be missed and remembered. I have no choice… reminded of you each time I check in on Andrea’s profile, our wedding ceremony… your creation, your art. Sharing a place next to her Nesting Tree poem. Priceless treasures to me… and Andrea.
Our relationship far from perfect… filled with potholes, both of us head strong, fearlessly willing to protect our convictions, our loved ones. But, we ended as we began, drawn to each other as different but trusted friends. Not always in agreement, but respectful and honest.
Sure, I am sad… now knowing that I can no longer look forward to you popping back up in my friends list or your wit n opine in my inbox. No chance of unexpectedly bumping in each other or catching up

sharing lives. The good n bad.
YOU so creative and talented… will never forget the times we had in forum. Taking center stage, entertaining those who cared. You and V with your wonderful picture stories… Andrea n I with our words. Never in competition with each other, each of us caught outta control, lost in another. Compelled to share.
YOUR commitment n discipline unwavering, similar we were in our zeal to contribute or get involved… so willing to promote our forum. But while I faltered biting off more than I could manage… you persevered. Even, when both Jeanona and I shrunk away from the Tattler’s resurrection, leaving you all alone. Your strong will kept you going. Your strength…. your kryptonite too.
All one has to do is browse your posts, hunt them down within these Forum Halls… countless creations… you n Cassi masters of your art. I remember you teaching V your craft, he an eager student.

Sarah, you would be proud of him, your artistic talents evident. His caring spirit too. But sadly… reminding me that LOVE is never guaranteed, not even for the most “special” spirits. NO one owns LOVE, we can only give it.
YES, still got the writing bug. Andrea keeps my embers aglow. NO, not any better though. Still excessively chatty ME

Unfortunately no longer posting here either... Andrea n I moving to another World, following V, Zoerink n others before us. Where their Forum thrives... as our once did long ago.

Picked up something new their too.

something to bind my chatty, tickle my compulsions n placate my OCD... I discovered HAIKU. THIS one for YOU.
A gifted artist
Demanding but caring soul
Lady of her word
Many knew OF you
Only few got to know YOU
Happy to be ONE
Not an easy friend
Your standards set high for us
Your bar… unyielding
Easy on strangers
Tougher on those held closest
You expected more
Just like Auswoody…
Right or wrong… “Mean what you say”
And.. “Say what you mean.”
Even when it hurts
Prisoner of convictions…
As I am my Heart
Different as we were
We were very much the same
In ways that mattered
Both of us now ghosts
Deleting forum accounts
Freeing all our posts
All or nothing ways
Getting the better of us
But not breaking us
Wherever you go
I hope it’s all you have dreamt
Karma will be kind
Free of your shackles
Spread your wings n fly away
Leaving us behind.
Missing YOU today
Remember YOU tomorrow
Returning my smile