Bonjour SexIloveit,
Translation in FrenchGlish:
Hi girlfriends and the little pervert
I opened a blog for French Guys and French Girls speaking games like AChat and plenty else that I don't know yet
I give my opinion I would also like to know your comments ! is not yet ready
Il y a une partie française sur le forum ou j'avais crée un topic pour la création d'une liste de francophones.
Il y en a beaucoup sur AChat mais pas sur qu'ils veuillent bien s'investir ou voir leur noms apparaitre sur une liste, je ne sais pas,2818.0.htmlThere is a French part on the forum where I create a topic for a list of francophones.
There are many on AChat but not they please get involved or have their names appear on a list, I don't know,2818.0.html