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: Saving Chat Logs  ( 5718 )
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« : February 07, 2014, 09:40:05 AM »

This is simply coming from someone who takes great delight from roleplaying on this fine game. Perhaps it could be implemented for there to be some way of chatlogs being saved to a folder in Achat? I myself would find it very useful for keeping hold of some of the previous exploits, as well as keeping a handle on who is who when your friends/lovers list begins to crowd.
Hero Member
: 10350

« #1 : February 07, 2014, 10:02:56 AM »

Hello Zenameless,
the chatlog is saved on your own harddrive! Its in main folder of AChat and is called "chatlog" You can open it with any editor. Every chat is saved. If you remove AChat (uninstall) and you want to keep your chatlog, you have to save it first to an own folder.


« #2 : February 07, 2014, 10:07:44 AM »

The chatlog is saved.

If you go to the Achat folder, which for Win 7/8 at least is C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Achat (where xxxxxxxx is your Windows userid) it is the file chatlog.txt.

It would be nice if the dev team would add time stamps to it.

Anyway, I keep a separate txt file with people that I have communicated with/met  listed and details about them (oops, giving away my secret) and bring it up in Notepad when I am online.
Hero Member
: 1885

« #3 : February 07, 2014, 08:52:17 PM »

Right click on the Achat launcher desktop icon, go to "open file location" click, scroll to "chatlog" double click

Visit me at The Town Square.. http://achatsquare.chatango.com/
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« #4 : February 07, 2014, 11:14:23 PM »

Oh wow, thank you all for this. A great help!
Hero Member
: 3007

« #5 : February 08, 2014, 02:06:34 AM »

I didn't know that!  now I feel such a klutz! I so wish I'd saved all my chats from my previous lappie!

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .

« #6 : February 08, 2014, 12:29:43 PM »

A friend tells me that they have a little program that separates all the relevant conversations into their own chatlogs. If I can convince them to share it, I will. If you were aaaa you might have a log like...

aaaa to bbbb: Oh, I like your hair :)
bbbb: Thanks, I like that dress you are wearing
aaaa to bbbb: Oh, thanks I bought it yesterday but not sure I like it yet
cccc: Hi, sexy, want a fuck?
bbbb: Oh it looks great on you.
aaaa to bbbb: Thanks, perhaps I'll keep it then lol!
aaaa to cccc: Sorry, I am busy.
cccc: Can't you spare time for a fuck?
aaaa to cccc: Lol, anytime, but not necessarily with you
bbbb: Want to go somewhere quiet to talk?
dddd: Hi aaaa how are you?
aaaa to dddd: Ummm, sorry I have another friend on at the moment that I am talking to.

and it would separate them into...

bbbb chatlog.txt
aaaa to bbbb: Oh, I like your hair :)
bbbb: Thanks, I like that dress you are wearing
aaaa to bbbb: Oh, thanks I bought it yesterday but not sure I like it yet
bbbb: Oh it looks great on you.
aaaa to bbbb: Thanks, perhaps I'll keep it then lol!
bbbb: Want to go somewhere quiet to talk?

cccc chatlog.txt
cccc: Hi, sexy, want a fuck?
aaaa to cccc: Sorry, I am busy.
cccc: Can't you spare time for a fuck?
aaaa to cccc: Lol, anytime, but not necessarily with you

dddd chatlog.txt
dddd: Hi aaaa how are you?
aaaa to dddd: Ummm, sorry I have another friend on at the moment that I am talking to.

It also caters for if you have split personalities ;) because as you might not be aware there is only one chatlog.txt file which will contain conversations for all your characters. It gets slightly more complex in room because there are other things that get logged and if it is a group it writes both an individual person log and a group log (for example, if you grouped with eeee and ffff, it would create a "eeee ffff chatlog.txt" file as well as separate eeee and ffff chatlog files. It could make for an awful lot of files though.

Hero Member
: 1885

« #7 : February 08, 2014, 10:39:55 PM »

until u get it... edit...find...and the name of the person involved in that chat  ;) you will probably need to scroll through a few. I save my chatlog periodically, in a new folder and then delete the main file. a new one is recreated as soon as u start chatting again.

Visit me at The Town Square.. http://achatsquare.chatango.com/

« #8 : February 16, 2014, 09:54:03 AM »

Thanks for pointing me to the chat log. This is great! I play on two computers. I hope I have everything saved.

I'd love a way to save my messages too. I can use screen shots, but I can only see three lines in a message at a time, so it's very inefficient. At a minimum I'd love if we could expand the message window to see the whole message at once, much like we can expand the chat log.

Hero Member
: 10350

« #9 : February 16, 2014, 06:42:12 PM »

You have everything but on both computers... chats you do on comp 1 are saved on comp 1, chats you do on comp 2 are saved on comp 2.
Of course you can save both chatlogs in one file.

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