I've noticed that too. But I can't remember if it started out like that. I Really can't.
I have noticed the intersections. But, what the hell. It's a new pose. Maybe the Graphics Engine that they use/created can't do it any other way. The cock and balls have to go somewhere as do the thighs. There has to be some penetration from your partner. I voted A Must Have.
At the chance of getting shouted at here or starting an argument, Just enjoy it. And try to take no notice of the graphical interference.

I have also noticed these intersections in other poses. Maybe, they were there all the time and I have just noticed them. Then again maybe they have just appeared. I don't know. But if you are unhappy with the graphics, send a Ticket to Support and ask them if anything can be done about it. I'm not going to contact them again this year. I've troubled them enough.

Have you noticed the thighs intersecting on this pose for M-F ?
@ Rukya I
REALLY do hope you get some new poses next year. (Hey even this year. It's not over yet).
Happy Christmas Everyone.LOVE. From Zu.