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: Having problems  ( 3619 )
: 3

« : April 30, 2017, 05:14:59 PM »

Every time I download the game and try to launch it, I continually get a message reading new major release and I download it from the page it takes me to, and I keep getting the same message over and over to the point I'm about ready to just give up and try somewhere else.

Even if I knew what the current version is meant to be would be a huge help too.

Thanks for any help.
Full Member
: 205

« #1 : April 30, 2017, 06:19:12 PM »

Hello, the Main version number is  "2.14 HD" and the Client version currently is  "734".

Just to be sure, you do dowload from this page, right?


Have you tired to install the High-res package too?


Whal about language packs? have you installed any specific?
« : April 30, 2017, 06:24:49 PM dirtyElena »
: 3

« #2 : May 01, 2017, 03:58:18 PM »

OK, I done that and now I'm getting "your internet connection doesn't seem to work" when it's checking for updates, but loads the program anyway. I've no way of telling if it's up to date or not.

Thanks for the help though.
: 3

« #3 : May 02, 2017, 08:57:38 AM »

It has now updated, but now I can't use CCBill or Gamepay for a paid membership. I've contacted both and they just sent a load of rubbish back. I give up.

AChat's support is also laughable. I think they either don't read the question properly or use Google Translate and get the question/comment completely wrong.

So yep, if it's not going to let me in properly, no point being here.

« #4 : May 02, 2017, 11:26:47 AM »

It has now updated, but now I can't use CCBill or Gamepay for a paid membership. I've contacted both and they just sent a load of rubbish back. I give up.

>>>I Use PAYPAL and there is NO Problem at all

AChat's support is also laughable. I think they either don't read the question properly or use Google Translate and get the question/comment completely wrong.

>>>Well,  they get hundrets of complains per day-----and honestly - normaly the software runs without any trouble - NO one can see what kind of Computer you using - what and how you go into internet ( proxy eg.) I only can say
I got WIN 10 and I am a normal User- clicked on install software and that was it - So , sorry I think its on your side
So many other user cant be wrong

So yep, if it's not going to let me in properly, no point being here.

>> Sure, if you cant bring it to work, there is no reason to be here

If you have questions to the forum Members you need to tell more about your problem
Not just Its not working

What OS you using
What Country you log in
What internet access you using
Do you have 2 Antivirus
or a special firewall

All that can block the sites game to work

Hope you like the open mindet game and maybe able to join it
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