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: More ROOM'S!  ( 2267 )
: 2

« : October 31, 2017, 11:23:27 AM »

Needs a more Social and theme room places where like minded people can share there interests meaning things like clubs!
meaning Themed room like

BDSM,Interracial,Shemale,Straight,Romantic,Public Sex,Chat,Dancing etc etc

The rooms you have now are titled Rush style/slow style ?? wth does that mean? right?
and well.... if RUSH means quick sex... a pretty snowy landscape or suburb don't really scream lets DO IT yea?
: 11

« #1 : October 13, 2018, 10:04:48 AM »

One or two extra would be nice.

Also, it seems when a scene is full, a second version is openend? Not sure, it seems that way. If so, pleases show that so people know.
: [1]  
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