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: Adding Saliva and ability to change pedicure  ( 1422 )
: 13

« : April 18, 2019, 02:44:54 PM »

Would love to have a few string of saliva during deepthroat action or just in general blowjob. Atm the cock just gets very slightly shiny, but just the way cum has very strong presence it would be great to have stringly saliva when gobbling on a cock. It wouldnt be extremely difficult to add hard.

Another thing which would be nice if having option for different color pedicure, right now its always red regardless of you changing your finfer nail color. I think it would be a great suddle edition to be able to color them along with finger nails or have a seperare Body window option to choose from..other than that the game is perfect rn
: [1]  
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